Просмотр полной версии : Ladoshki

Mapku _Za
07.03.2005, 03:42
Forgive or Excuse me, that I climb with the questions a little not on a subject, but!!! At me here what question. I have found out very strange thing in my friend. Its or his palms terribly dry, all crackled, and fingers when the skin bursts, even bleed. Like and a cream smears, and to sense a zero. I here am afraid, as though not an eczema what. I send to the dermatologist - shouts, does not want, rests. Somebody can that will advise?

26.03.2005, 11:11
If such displays nevertheless it is necessary to address to the doctor. There you MCH will hand over all analyses. Can it will be found out, that at it or him simply shortage of any vitamins.

At me to you a question. He does not suffer an allergy? At an allergy, except for rashes and an itch, can arise and such problem. But nevertheless persuade it or him to go to the doctor.

Mapku _Za
28.03.2005, 01:44
No, allergies like would be not present, how much or as far as I know. I do not think, can be what is it simply polished than that. And the doctor is dead or sickly number or room, all the same will not go, even if kicks to drive or bend Men in a word!

06.04.2005, 01:03
No, allergies like would be not present, how much or as far as I know. I do not think, can be what is it simply polished than that. And the doctor is dead or sickly number or room, all the same will not go, even if kicks to drive or bend Men in a word!

Then can to you in a drugstore will advise any ointment? Though, if it is fair, I such do not recognize... I nevertheless for doctors.

07.07.2005, 12:53
I live with the same problem as well as yours MCH. At me in the childhood it was shown as a diathesis, on elbows, labiums and brushes of arms or hand. But recently it has passed or has taken place and began to appear on palms. Went on all doctors, that only did not speak, treated on everyone, but it is visible inside. And I live I try less contact to water, except for sea, all I do or make in gloves, and constants of a cream, without them though on a wall climb. A unique place where I live not being excruciated by it only on the sea. You do not worry it it is not infectious. Simply let pochatelnee behind arms or hand watches or keeps up and there will be no strong problems.