Просмотр полной версии : ZPPP and erosion: (

02.03.2005, 12:29
Girls, greetings to all!

At me such voprosik.

Has handed over analyses at the gynecologist. A simple smear (anything is not present, that's all right, are a little raised or increased leucocytes) and the analysis on a clamidiosis, a mycoplasma and a ureaplasma (a pancake as it was sick when took maok on a ureaplasma).

Result on Monday I shall receive.

Plus at me erosion, the doctor has told or said greater or big It is necessary to treat. She to me has written out a powder for syringing (Tantum Rosa any and suppositories vaginalnye MACMIROR 500). And more antibiotics as the doctor has told or said, fitoterapevticheskie, I do not know as to explain. Has told or said to drink month, and to begin it is already possible now.

And so a question in what.

I wish to wait for results of the analysis on chlamydias and an other infection if there is that-@-treat at first an illness or a disease and then to undertake erosion. I am right?

And more. Rave erosion treat candles and tablets? I considered or counted, that only cauterization I Am afraid, whether there is no here a distributing " on babki "

06.03.2005, 07:29
In me too have found out erosion... And in occasion of treatment the doctor has told or said so if it there was a pseudo-erosion - vospalenitse small.. Then erosion would treat me tablets and suppositories, and as at me.. That will freeze nitrogen.

08.03.2005, 23:12
It not divorce as cauterize only as a last resort, and erosion at you can just be on a background of an inflammation or an infection. Treat infections - erosion can also will leave.

09.03.2005, 15:46
In me too have found out erosion... And in occasion of treatment the doctor has told or said so if it there was a pseudo-erosion - vospalenitse small.. Then erosion would treat me tablets and suppositories, and as at me.. That will freeze nitrogen.

tomusja, and you gave birth or travailled?

I here look in an Internet infu. For not given birth or not travailled (to which I concern) the method an acid most of all approaches or suits to cauterize erosion. And from nitrogen the cicatrix like as can be formed

13.03.2005, 09:54
In me too have found out erosion... And in occasion of treatment the doctor has told or said so if it there was a pseudo-erosion - vospalenitse small.. Then erosion would treat me tablets and suppositories, and as at me.. That will freeze nitrogen.

tomusja, and you gave birth or travailled?

I here look in an Internet infu. For not given birth or not travailled (to which I concern) the method an acid most of all approaches or suits to cauterize erosion. And from nitrogen the cicatrix like as can be formed

No, did not give birth or travail.. In a stage of planning.. The doctor to me has told or said that the cicatrix will not be

18.03.2005, 00:14
I have found such document in an Internet.. Is called " Kriologicheskaja

Preventive oncology ". There the principle of job is described. If want I can send you on mail.

And here that there it is written about cicatrixes " At a cryolysis we can to not break neither integrity of a skin, nor mucosas, carrying out applikatsionnoe destruction by a cold from a surface of a tissue. Absence of cuts or sections and punctures at a cryolysis puts it or her in the category of non-invasive techniques, and its or her this essential advantage - there is no danger perezarazhenija AIDS, a hepatitis . However in 3-4 weeks the site of a pathological tissue subjected to a cryolysis ceases to exist, basically he actually gradually and slowly samoudaljaetsja ".

25.03.2005, 02:19
Basically you are right concerning the stage-by-stage decision of a problem, since treatment of an infection. I in due time have collided or faced with it or this: not ochn the good analysis (high leucocytes) has caused to be checked up on an infection, have in passing made kolposopiju on which have found out small erosion. The analysis in the further has shown presence of a ureaplasma, have sampled on sensitivity to an antibiotic, have appointed or nominated treatment. And erosion - then, it has been told or said. And then ezhroija hzarubtsevalas itself (I have read through that such is possible or probable in any magazine, i.e. 2 sources approved or confirmed it). So, to you I advise all over again to get rid of infections, and otom already to think what to do or make further. And - cauterization - last variant (not the best!). Read, that the laser destruction - is much better. Think, collect the information.

26.03.2005, 01:37
And me have told or said yet I shall not give birth to anything will not do or make. However, at me small...

02.04.2005, 04:02
Here I have found the comparative table of methods of treatment of erosion

http: // medsun.ru/document.asp? group_id=4*amp; nItemID=90*amp; sSID=8

How much or As far as I understand, CRYOTHERAPY morbid enough procedure, an opportunity of education of cicatrix of 15-20 %.

Laserotherapy approaches or suits given birth or travailled, the cicatrix is formed.

The best vyhdit SOLKOVAGIN. The truth also it is necessary to repeat repeatedly most likely

05.04.2005, 20:42
Small erosion is fine treated medikamentozno (without the laser etc.)

O: infektsii-this or thus the first, that it is necessary to make treatment

Cryotherapy oooooochen is seldom morbid, leaves insignificant cicatrix, after two basically it is possible to give birth or travail without phobia.

And eshche-erosion happens, for example, in a stomach or in an intestine, think x so directly cauterize

I think, that the doctor should be trusted. : doctors, it is so much opinions, and zalechennost-it in my opinion, it is not so pleasant for health and for a purse

12.04.2005, 11:17
Basically you are right concerning the stage-by-stage decision of a problem, since treatment of an infection. I in due time have collided or faced with it or this: not ochn the good analysis (high leucocytes) has caused to be checked up on an infection, have in passing made kolposopiju on which have found out small erosion. The analysis in the further has shown presence of a ureaplasma, have sampled on sensitivity to an antibiotic, have appointed or nominated treatment. And erosion - then, it has been told or said. And then ezhroija hzarubtsevalas itself (I have read through that such is possible or probable in any magazine, i.e. 2 sources approved or confirmed it). So, to you I advise all over again to get rid of infections, and otom already to think what to do or make further. And - cauterization - last variant (not the best!). Read, that the laser destruction - is much better. Think, collect the information.

And me on an infection did not do or make analyses.. Has told or said the doctor that will not find out the reason

15.04.2005, 00:36
tomusja, be checked up necessarily!

The infection can just be the reason of erosion. Cure an infection-will pass or an infection-will take place erosion. And if prizhgete simply erosion also there is (God forbid) an infection, she will cause again erosion

23.04.2005, 21:09
tomusja, be checked up necessarily!

The infection can just be the reason of erosion. Cure an infection-will pass or an infection-will take place erosion. And if prizhgete simply erosion also there is (God forbid) an infection, she will cause again erosion

Ugu, and I wish to make.. In an Internet has read through too much information in this occasion. Everywhere write, that without result of analyses on the latent infections at all have no right to treat erosion, all over again it is necessary to cure infections if they are. I of all it or this did not know that, when to me the doctor have told or said that will freeze, thought the doctor the nobility that does or makes should.. And there is she is incompetent.. At all I do not know as it or her to name

29.04.2005, 22:46
Not perzhivajte!

Now such life all should be taken in hand even with doctors.

To me here too medicines have written out from erosion, before reception of results of the analysis on ZPPP. Who knows, can if I have not shown the first the initiative, to me and have not appointed or nominated these analyses too

Tomorrow I follow results... Terribly

12.05.2005, 04:39
Not perzhivajte!

Now such life all should be taken in hand even with doctors.

To me here too medicines have written out from erosion, before reception of results of the analysis on ZPPP. Who knows, can if I have not shown the first the initiative, to me and have not appointed or nominated these analyses too

Tomorrow I follow results... Terribly

And I today was at other doctor, she to me has told or said, that anything to touch or tamper with it is not necessary, that there about a papaverous kernel, very much very small erosion, and up to sorts or labors in general anything to do or make it is not necessary. Has told or said that all number and that erosion has appeared because of hormonal disbalansa (after cancelling OK). Here such pies And you do not experience, in what time I am convinced, that experiences in what good do not result or bring.. I here experienced... And it is vain.. So all over again learn or find out result, and then already treat erosion. And the most important to find the good doctor. Udachki!

21.05.2005, 18:40
Well here. Was at the doctor.

Chlamydias have not found, a ureaplasma too. Mycoplasmas are.

Strange somehow. Here now I read, write, that mycoplasmas are practically at all. Concern to is conditional-pathogenic bacteria.

Means there is nothing except for a mycoplasma and erosion...

But in fact SOMETHING disturbs me! An itch and allocation, not plentiful, but obviously abnormal.

At bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoze there should be a smell fish. At me it or him is not present. A pancake, that it then..

In general navypisyvali medicines. I shall drink month. And in 2 weeks again to the doctor, will look or see, whether there are improvements, will make a colposcopy or as there is called...

Let's look or see..

26.05.2005, 07:47
[quote = "HONEY"] Well here. Was at the doctor.

Chlamydias have not found, a ureaplasma too. Mycoplasmas are.

Strange somehow. Here now I read, write, that mycoplasmas are practically at all. Concern to is conditional-pathogenic bacteria.

Means there is nothing except for a mycoplasma and erosion...

But in fact SOMETHING disturbs me! An itch and allocation, not plentiful, but obviously abnormal.

At bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoze there should be a smell fish. At me it or him is not present. A pancake, that it then..

In general navypisyvali medicines. I shall drink month. And in 2 weeks again to the doctor, will look or see, whether there are improvements, will make a colposcopy or as there is called...

Let's look or see.. [/quote

It is much more than infections... I would recommend to hand over still :, gardonellu, a Trichomonas, kandioz... Well a lues and a gonorrhea it as you want, and then already after reception of results to look as how to treat)

That that it is necessary to reveal all over again all infections, and then to be engaged erroziej it unequivocally...

Personally I cauterized erroziju twice, once up to sorts or labors, to me was years 20, and second time one year ago, already after sorts or labors... I do not see in it or this any harm, health by a female part at me from it or this has not reeled)))

06.07.2005, 09:06
Well so the usual smear also is done or made on kandidu, gardnerelez, a trichomoniasis.. Or I have lagged behind a life? ogda have brought result of a smear, it has been in black and white written, what originators have not been revealed.

Mycoplasma, chlamydias and checked a ureaplasma method PTSR. Have found a mycoplasma.

About a lues and ??na-IT to me to what It or This at me precisely is not present. It is checked up.

Well so still or even to check...

The doctor the truth has registered to me still in addition antibiotics, here I drink.