Просмотр полной версии : Blood from a nose

30.09.2004, 10:34
At me it is constant krovit a nose. Once (about 3-4 years ago) there were strong bleedings, and is now simple in a nose to constantly pair or steam droplets of a blood

What is it can be?

03.10.2004, 08:04
And coffee is a lot of pyosh?

I remember somehow have eaten entirely to bank any coffee sgushchyonki, and at me unexpectedly blood from a nose has gone.

Diana Valerevna
16.11.2004, 04:43
You know-it can be both pressure, and an ENT disease if there is an opportunity address to the doctor

19.12.2004, 05:46
No, coffee now at all I do not drink, as the head began to hurt or be ill;be sick sometimes (and earlier never hurted), here I am afraid what is it there can be a pressure

26.01.2005, 12:49
You know-it can be both pressure, and an ENT disease if there is an opportunity address to the doctor

Can pressure is valid


Diana Valerevna
08.03.2005, 16:19
On health

05.07.2005, 03:31
Shortage of vitamin C from what walls of vessels weaken. Eat a cranberry, burst vitamins. And for strengthening stenok vessels spend on drink Ascorutinum. I after it or him in general do not know problems, and was oh-oh-th