Просмотр полной версии : Strange illness or disease. The ENT not strongly helps or assists

01.03.2005, 20:24
When I speak, that that with hearing... I start ooochen to hear the voice loudly... This hearing is similar on what arises at the healthy person if in an ear water will get... Also that it would stop, it is necessary to tighten or delay in itself air, sharply and carried-to time then all will pass or take place, but it is necessary to be silent, as soon as will start talking - the same hearing... It seems I shall become deaf otsvoego voices.. I LORu explain, I explain, whether and he me in any way nepojmyot that.... All time : and has not understood in what a problem? I do not know that already idelat! That for disease. More likely it svjazanosnasmorkom, slime likely passes or takes place in acoustical holes (well what there name, they are in a throat) and suppress or stop a sound...

Baba Manya
10.03.2005, 18:17
Similar that at you in ears, behind a tympanic membrane or an eardrum, the liquid after cold has accumulated. Should resolve itself.

16.03.2005, 04:56
Yes, but I think that very strange that so... In fact bolele I oooochen for a long time. Here now chilled I sit, and I hear (normally fie-fie-fie) we Shall look or see that will be when vyzdorovlju

28.03.2005, 10:03
Yes, but I think that very strange that so... In fact bolele I oooochen for a long time. Here now chilled I sit, and I hear (normally fie-fie-fie) we Shall look or see that will be when vyzdorovlju

It is strange, that the doctor cannot understand that to what....

30.03.2005, 06:39
When I speak, that that with hearing... I start ooochen to hear the voice loudly... This hearing is similar on what arises at the healthy person if in an ear water will get... Also that it would stop, it is necessary to tighten or delay in itself air, sharply and carried-to time then all will pass or take place, but it is necessary to be silent, as soon as will start talking - the same hearing... It seems I shall become deaf otsvoego voices.. I LORu explain, I explain, whether and he me in any way nepojmyot that.... All time : and has not understood in what a problem? I do not know that already idelat! That for disease. More likely it svjazanosnasmorkom, slime likely passes or takes place in acoustical holes (well what there name, they are in a throat) and suppress or stop a sound...

Ask lora to give you a direction in laboratory for check of hearing. They will check up to you hearing on the special apparatus and will diagnose. To me so did or made when I began to hear strange hum in one ear.

02.04.2005, 21:05
When I speak, that that with hearing... I start ooochen to hear the voice loudly... This hearing is similar on what arises at the healthy person if in an ear water will get... Also that it would stop, it is necessary to tighten or delay in itself air, sharply and carried-to time then all will pass or take place, but it is necessary to be silent, as soon as will start talking - the same hearing... It seems I shall become deaf otsvoego voices.. I LORu explain, I explain, whether and he me in any way nepojmyot that.... All time : and has not understood in what a problem? I do not know that already idelat! That for disease. More likely it svjazanosnasmorkom, slime likely passes or takes place in acoustical holes (well what there name, they are in a throat) and suppress or stop a sound...

Ask lora to give you a direction in spets. Laboratory for check of hearing (I do not remember precisely the name, like " the center on studying hearing ") .oni will check up to you hearing on the special apparatus and will diagnose. To me so did or made when I began to hear strange hum in one ear.

15.04.2005, 18:27
Speak, chewing elastic-not helps or assists so pawns ears..

21.04.2005, 06:30
<img src = "images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt = " Rolling Eyes " border = "0"/> (a little that speak)

And the ear has again started to rustle.

The visitor
22.04.2005, 01:42
My God! A nightmare! This or thus eternal postuda me zadolbala! At me whether hronich. A rhinitis, whether still that that... But constantly liquid somewhere in a throat! I even to squeal I am not able. Disease any can? Instead of squeal at me simple hissing leaves... I LORu complained, complained.. Snachalo he has registered drops (butter or oil a thuja, to mine.) as he has told or said a nose became better, though I and have not noticed these insignificant changes... And has told or said to him, and he has sent me on any heaters, nosoprogrevateli.... Has told or said, 5 days resemble and will come. And I have left on a camp site (it was not known to him). Has arrived back and since then to it or him;them did not go... And in fact all as... The Same sonitus, slime in a throat which I even do not remember since what year at me... Awfully! Again to go and excruciate LORa which to me has not painfully helped or assisted? And the laryngologist and an ENT - the same?

Because of these illnesses or diseases my dreams fall!

_92 (Has not entered)

The visitor
03.07.2005, 00:33
Well though somebody, respond!

It I - Rozochka.