Просмотр полной версии : Cauterization by the laser

08.09.2004, 15:36

To me 18, have found out erosion shejki uteruses. I not given birth or not travailled. The doctor has appointed or nominated cauterization by the laser. I wish to ask, who can passed or took place such procedure? Painfully it? I very much am afraid of a pain. To me recently did or made a biopsy. I do not know, can to me with the doctor has not carried, the present or true butcher! It was sick awfully. It is a lot of blood. I as have seen, how she zdorovenymi shchaptsami at me there is picked, me so...... figovo became.

Here I wish to avoid repetition of such situation. The laser it is sick?

Or can choose radiowave surgery is better? What from this not so it is sick?


19.09.2004, 06:11

To me 18, have found out erosion shejki uteruses. I not given birth or not travailled. The doctor has appointed or nominated cauterization by the laser. I wish to ask, who can passed or took place such procedure? Painfully it? I very much am afraid of a pain. To me recently did or made a biopsy. I do not know, can to me with the doctor has not carried, the present or true butcher! It was sick awfully. It is a lot of blood. I as have seen, how she zdorovenymi shchaptsami at me there is picked, me so...... figovo became.

Here I wish to avoid repetition of such situation. The laser it is sick?

Or can choose radiowave surgery is better? What from this not so it is sick?


Madhouse full!!!!!

The laser erosion cauterize ONLY GIVEN birth or TRAVAILLED since then there is a cicatrix on shejke. Especially to you of 18 years still, it that for the doctor that such??? Erosion is treated and and is normal. The laser painfully though and on shejke also there are no such nervous terminations or endings. And if to cauterize, so it is better krio (liquid nitrogen) and it is not sick also cicatrixes is not present. I in a shock in general........

The visitor
02.10.2004, 05:07
Cauterize not given birth or not travailled if a status of erosion critical, a biopsy that nezrja the nobility took.

07.10.2004, 11:44
To me the doctor vashche has told or said what to cauterize to me (not given birth or not travailled) will not be, and erosion at me greater or big!! Since erosion does not carry in itself an inflammation, colpites, good-quality cells and does not disturb... It is just necessary to be observed more often, than usually and all....

To me many were going to to cauterize, I pulled all, and here the costing or standing doctor has responded me how I have above written... Also it is glad to it or this, as as an intervention, and type of operation.

19.10.2004, 11:29
Understand, a problem also that at me a bad heredity. Mum of my mum has died of cancer SHM.

I do not know, as Can do or make there are what-string other methods of treatment of erosion, I have in view of surgery?

To me the doctor has told or said, that erosion small, but with an inflammation. I am simple in rasterjanosti

The woman-doctor
08.11.2004, 04:50

First, just, the laser does not leave cicatrixes. But I consider or count, that not given birth or not travailled it is not necessary to cauterize. Especially, to cauterize it is not necessary, if there are attributes of an inflammation. By the way, why took a biopsy if there is an inflammation? In the beginning it is necessary to clean or remove an inflammation, then to make a biopsy, and then to solve, eat there something except for erosion that it is necessary to delete or not.

Of surgical methods do not think at all.

Also wait results of a biopsy..

27.11.2004, 08:33
And before a biopsy she has appointed or nominated to me to 5 days Terzhinan. Has told or said for sanation of a vagina. It can should was remove or take off an inflammation?

The woman-doctor
22.12.2004, 03:17
Should, yes. Now wait for results.

The visitor
11.01.2005, 07:25
To me cauterized one week ago under a local narcosis and I absolutely felt nothing, so be not afraid. I ksatati too not given birth or not travailled and in Russia to me spoke that it is impossible to cauterize, now I in France and my gynecologist to me sakazal that absolutely any negative consequences at me will not be. The truth of all this it was done or made in very good clinic and simply equipment not that is possible or probable that in Russia.

06.02.2005, 14:54
Has recollected, neznaju, whether on a subject but when to me cauterized papilomy, I have asked the doctor why up to sorts or labors it is impossible to cauterize, she has told or said, that during sorts or labors can be more breaks since the tissue on cicatrixes not elastic and does not last, and is torn.

The rights I, the woman-doctor?

The woman-doctor
07.02.2005, 13:17
Are right

17.02.2005, 01:53
The woman-doctor, something I has absolutely got confused having read through this subject and I do not know what now to do or make.

I not given birth or not travailled. At me is small jazvochka on shejke uteruses. It is More than year has cured gardenellu back, now the analysis has shown that again at me this bacterium. SPered a menses have made a biopsy, the analysis I have shown vospolitelnyj process, which long name has not remembered. My gynecologist has appointed or nominated to me treatment by the laser at once as the menses will end. Has assured, that treatment by the laser does not leave after itself cicatrixes that allows to become pregnant, bear and give birth or become pregnant, take out and give birth without risk. After treatment by the laser approximately in a month still time to take a smear. I.e. he assumes, that gardenella can be somehow svjazanna with a ulcer, and then already appoint or nominate treatment if necessary. Whether can jazvochka cause? And I read, that all over again it is necessary to cure gardenellu or other any diseases, vospolenija, and only then the laser. What will you advise me?

The woman-doctor
03.04.2005, 04:04

I consider or count, that not given birth or not travailled, in general, to cauterize any erosions it is not necessary. If you, all the same, have decided to cauterize unequivocally it is necessary to do or make it only after treatment of any inflammation. Since the inflammation will not allow to begin to live ranevoj a surface after the laser. It is the truth, that in comparison with an electrocoagulation and a cryolysis (nitrogen), the laser more sparing.

It is necessary to treat in the beginning in any case gardnerellu, and then already all rest.

Then, maybe, if you will clean or remove an inflammation also erosion will leave... If under jazvochkoj it means.


02.07.2005, 18:44
The diagnosis after boipsii - blossoming glandular pseudo-erosion, slabovarazhennyj a hyper-parakeratosis of a laminated or multilayer flat epithelium.

The doctor has told or said, that the hyper-parakeratosis is already precancerous stage. Also it is necessary to treat urgently the laser.