Просмотр полной версии : Wads with miramistinom

01.04.2005, 23:12
Have written out wads with miramistinom and as this procedure to spend have not explained. Can, who podstkazhet?

What for wads? How much a preparation on them to pour how to enter, etc.?

23.05.2005, 03:47
Eeee.... And what doctor to you has written out it? The gynecologist? Buy usual wads, type OB or the Tampax, impregnate them miramistinom and... Well, enter

But it is better nevertheless at the doctor ask.

11.06.2005, 15:04
Nadenka, excuse, but I here have addressed for the help. You though represent what this tampax when it or him you impregnate is done or made huge? HOW it there to insert??????

11.06.2005, 15:11
Buy or Purchase wads with an applicator, impregnate in an applicator (kap- on top) and enter. But it is better to call to the doctor and to specify. Same not fingernails or nails to shear, more sensitive organ...

21.06.2005, 16:37
Yes there are no Wads not hygienic!!!!!

Simply vatka, wet by this chicken-feed. Usually wads are pawned on nochrazmer... It is more than walnut... Only skatjte, and that everyones small wadded voloski.... Though it is not especially terrible

24.06.2005, 15:40
You though represent what this tampax when it or him you impregnate is done or made huge?

I did or made similar procedures, the truth there was not miramistin. Took vatku, turned off or folded in such oblong lump - well, all the same type, a wad it turned out, - soaked in a medicine and... There it or him.

Yes, vatka razmokaet also there is greater or big, but or I something do not understand in your problems, or at what here the size?

In any case, the subject of the much greater size, than marked razmokshy a wad THERE can be located.

25.06.2005, 06:44
Oh, well have advised!!!

Means so, take vatku and bintik, vatku skatyvaete in a globule it is, less, than a walnut, and turn it or her in bintik, then fasten a nodule under vatkoj, and hvostik leave, well, it is clear for what to pull out back without problems

Something turns out similar under the form on a spermatozoon. On ento business splash the medicine and enter laying.

If will take the Tampax all will be absorbed in it or him and the medical effect will not be


01.07.2005, 14:26
Now miramistin exists not only as a liquid, but also in the form of a cream. A cream juzat much udobne probably. But the call to the doctor will not prevent, a piece lethal whatever one may do..