Просмотр полной версии : Illness or Disease. How to not give in to a panic and to believe in convalescence?

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12.12.2004, 00:39
Felt absolutely healthy person. Only here the temperature was raised or increased. Erosion shejki uteruses has visited or attended the gynecologist where with surprise has learned or has found out, that at me an inflammation of appendages + a ureaplasmosis + gardenella +.

The doctor does or makes terrible eyes. To me from it or this it is terrible.

I am flied or treated.

Basically, having shovelled a heap infy in a network, I see, that all is successfully treated.

But also I shall come across terrible histories - erosion flows in a cancer, the ureaplasmosis and an inflammation of appendages conduct to sterility or barrenness.

About one today kept. Auto-training and so on. And here has now braided - despair, disbelief in convalescence, pavor. To be cried there is nobody. The husband considers or counts all these illnesses or diseases as something frivolous. Well, type a fingernail on a finger has broken. Mum far. Close friends - too.

Still a monetary problem. Money in obrez, and treatment/analyses is demanded with financing...

Excuse, that so it is chaotic. Something has knocked me today though be hung up...

How to force itself to believe in convalescence, and? It very -is pessimistic...

25.12.2004, 05:06
All the diagnoses listed by you are passed or taken place by me.. Believe, all nomalno. It is remarkable, what now you know the enemy to face Treatment is appointed or nominated? Perfectly. Are treated. All will be good.

11.01.2005, 07:15
My God, having read through a subject of a branch has thought, that at the girl precisely a cancer at last stage (fie--fie)...

From the sores listed by you I had two and more recently. One and a half year ago has cured ureoplazmu, year back - ESHM. Have successfully recovered, and the gynecologist has written in my map "is practically healthy". The doctor has told or said, that now such "diagnosis" happens very seldom, practically at each woman what-string chicken-feed, but is. That it is no wonder at our bionomics and a way of life.

The most important - that you in a course of events, that at you there is created inside. All this is treated. Only it is necessary to have patience some months. If you will keep all doctor's instructions - that will see, in a year will be zdorovenkoj.

22.01.2005, 03:09
And the husband is treated together with you for infections?

30.01.2005, 08:12
The darling, do not worry, all at you will be good!!

I have for the first time gone to 19 years to the gynecologist (there was only one partner to which I trusted, therefore and did not go). Longly was afraid to go, having had heard plenty and nachitavshis terrible histories. And so all also has occured or happened. The doctor, having made me a colposcopy, has not found time to calm somehow at all me, a little bit to prepare to possible or probable rezultam, all the same the first time, the first survey... She and has given out to me: at you huge erosion which has begun with the beginning of a sexual life (14 years), a bad smear, bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz and in general you soon will die, type.. Also cannot give birth. I as have left from consultation, it would be desirable to rush under the first machine or car, tears flew the river.

But has taken itself in arms or hand, together with a pier. The person have found other doctor which has simply explained to me all humanly, considering both my age and all situation, prizhgla this erosion and did not arrange any tragedy. All have cured, last time handed over analizy-that's all right, erosion heals, fie 3.

All this to be treated, the patience is necessary only. At you it is, believe. All will be good, you the good fellow

If that, write.

06.02.2005, 12:22
Something has knocked me today though be hung up...

How to force itself to believe in convalescence, and? It very -is pessimistic...

Oh, believe, irrespective of diagnoses, all sores are perceived by us (and as muzhuki umirajut-at once it is direct on eyes) depressively...

And it is good, that here have written. Here will meet support. It is necessary to find a way out to the alarm..

I of the whole 2 years, esteem... I am not simply flied or treated, and I am operated.. Already up to chyortikov has bothered!

And to relatives, really, probably, bothers and skulyozh, and the scared eyes...

And k it would be desirable to complain..

Complain here!

Keep the good fellow. All your sores are treated.

Only I not ponimaju-that the doctor vytarashchivajut eyes?

The doctor does or makes terrible eyes. To me from it or this it is terrible.

If you will keep all doctor's instructions - that will see, in a year will be zdorovenkoj.

It agree 100 %

20.02.2005, 06:41
The husband considers or counts all these illnesses or diseases as something frivolous.

Here your problem. That to you with her to do or make - solve. He operates or works against you. I have left from it or him simply for there is no purpose in attitudes or relations where everyone morally does not support or maintain another.

Money - ask from relatives in a duty or debt, or in bank the loan.

23.02.2005, 06:56
Recently too it was treated and now all horoshcho! By the way the husband should be treated! And then he again you Uroplazmoj will infect that. We with the husband were together treated

27.02.2005, 16:48
Oh, Lyss! I Have read through your post and have recollected myself 4 years ago. I have gone here as to the gynecologist in couple of months after wedding - she to me is direct all your diagnoses have given out, exactly in exactly. Such typical the doctor- was. Has advised to lay down and treat in hospital an inflammation. I then errozija have apprehended a word as a cancer of a uterus, and an inflammation she have put obviously only uvidja gardnereleznye allocation. What at me deressnjak was, what hysterics! When I have seen a bag of medicines which to me under its or her prescription of a distance in a drugstore, me it became bad.

Mum me has allocated or removed to other doctor which has written out to me all pair-three preparations, to the husband too something it was necessary to accept. I remember, the bacterial vaginosis has passed or has taken place in a week from polizhinaksa, and errozija has passed or has taken place by itself in a following cycle and this very frequent phenomenon. So do not doubt at all, precisely to you I speak. The strong inflammation gives a heat and pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly, at you such unless is?

08.03.2005, 19:08
And the husband is treated together with you for infections?

Its or His analyses for some reason only in 10 days will be ready. I.e. in a week already.

10.03.2005, 01:32
Just about, and I the doctor when speaks about erosion, passes to tragic whisper and does or makes greater or big eyes. Type, all there is terrible already.

To me this vrachihu have recommended. But after course of treatment I shall search for another. Something at me vague sensation, that on money plant me.

For example, demands, that I every day went to her on procedure - a wad with mazjukoj to insert. Each reception a money costs or stands.

And a wad I and itself could :-))

11.03.2005, 23:09
I of the whole 2 years, esteem... I am not simply flied or treated, and I am operated.. Already up to chyortikov has bothered

I too speak myself, that much is even worse. Till today's evening these ideas helped or assisted. And then so it wanted itself :-)

And to relatives, really, probably, bothers and skulyozh, and the scared eyes...

Eh, I do not whine... The Nature such... And mum at me such. Then only we tell as it was bad, with laughter for now we suffer - we are silent.

21.03.2005, 22:16
Only I not ponimaju-that the doctor vytarashchivajut eyes?

Mum speaks to frighten as follows - and the person on all will be ready to recover, any money :-))

22.03.2005, 19:54
He operates or works against you

Yes is not present, he good, regrets me, when I complain. Only I seldom complain. It is visible, that he does not understand something, when I speak, that I will have a cancer and I :-))

01.04.2005, 01:05
Money - ask from relatives in a duty or debt, or in bank the loan.

From relatives have already borrowed or occupied, in bank too, we give the credit for kvartirku. Here as strains - practically there are no backs. A pancake. Skoka time was going to to do or make a grist...

I do not Know
11.04.2005, 05:10
The strong inflammation gives a heat and pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly, at you such unless is?

The temperature low is. Pains before visiting the gynecologist was not. Now :-(

The inflammation of the left appendage has shown US...

Vrachiha all over again has told or said, what is it from infections. We treat infections. And then she suddenly became vparivat any treatment by the laser of my poor appendage. But in fact there are no infections - there is no also an inflammation?

Mrs. S
11.04.2005, 06:50
Girls and how treat a ureaplasmosis? And how long?

And having treated all infections, whether there will pass or will take place an inflammation?

Here paradox - instead of the doctor I ask questions to you...

20.04.2005, 00:36
Thanks you!

It is difficult to describe, it became how much warm after yours :-)) Give you the God of a sound health.

27.04.2005, 15:12
And as muzhuki umirajut-at once it is direct on eyes

Aha, from the husband have taken a smear so he then RISE from a chair could not - it was sick to him, :-))) so :-))) And the campaign in a toilet arranged as event - here what he courageous, such pain :-)))

01.05.2005, 22:38
At me. By the way, too after the gynecologist of a pain have appeared - force of suggestion, probably.

Ureaplasmosis, as well as any infection treat antibiotics, and how long and than will end depends on your organism and the competence of the doctor.


Ajsedora Dunkan
06.05.2005, 16:36
The prompt to you of convalescence! At me here too couple of months back at poseshcheni genekologa have found an inflammation of appendages, and chronic, erosion, and a smear was not so, naturally was frightened. Have directed on US, but US has shown nothing, I remember, I ask the doctor so scaredly " well as, not bad? ", and she responds " even very well " in general of deviations or rejections any have not found!

Treatment to me genekolog all taki has registered (as she speaks well and that, that US has shown, to her is more visible), I have passed or have taken place its or her treatment, here I shall soon go on reception again, but I think to replace genekologa, in fact each doctor has the point of view on illness or disease...

Success to you!

12.05.2005, 09:29
The darling, do not worry!

At me was approximately too most, there is enough for a long time. And not simply erosion, and more serious diagnosis. Anything, all has recovered, t-O-O, and with shejkoj it's OK.

Only it was necessary to go necessarily everyone half a year then, to check shejku and to do or make the cytologic smear, etc. To give birth or travail I while the truth yet did not try or taste, but the doctor speaks me that all in norm or rate.

You itself do not wind, be not upset, do not read only terrible sites where people are treated by years (far not at all so). I by the way while waited for results of a biopsy, already mentally a shroud have prepared, too of a cancer was afraid

Do not experience, very much many through it have passed or have taken place, both have recovered, and live further. Health to you and strength of mind!


16.05.2005, 09:14
It agree with - it is not necessary to wind itself. It from that opera when it is possible to find at itself all illnesses or diseases from the medical encyclopedia. Doctors who incorrectly work are not right. The problem or task of the doctor - to help or assist, instead of to intimidate.

I do not advise at once to search for mass of the different information on a subject of the diseases. I am somehow terrible raspanikovalas when sitting in a bath, has found out in itself mass of vessels on legs or foots. Has lifted a panic, the husband izmuchala. nachitalas any pavors on the Internet. I accepted contraceptive to Diana so has solved, what is it they disgusting. Plus still legs or foots often hurted or were ill;were sick me. In general, has come running to the gynecologist, have as a result cancelled reception of contraceptives. But he to me still then has told or said, that at my way of life, the constitution, etc. hardly I can have such problems. And he has appeared the rights. Then legs or foots have ceased to hurt or be ill;be sick, all was adjusted. I again accept OK. No problems are present. Simply for that period I moved, a way of life sedentary a little, there was a change of job, a heap of other stresses, all has developed.

So calmness, only calmness. All will be good.

18.05.2005, 19:45
Lyss, all your illnesses or diseases are treated. All will be good.

And in occasion of disbelief, pavors, despair. You try or taste is risen above a situation. The main thing is literally to not mix up or be admixed with the sores. As if or as be discharged of them. Clearly, what absolutely to forget not is necessary-them it is necessary to treat. Concern to this vital test as to... To a gift of destiny. What for he is sent to you destiny? Literally now can pass or take place psychological training. Fairly respond itself on 3 :1. What for the destiny has given you this test? 2. What it is required to you (qualities of character, skill, skills, etc.) that it or him to overcome? 3. What qualities or what you we shall get, having overcome this test?

Search for a positive, even in this uneasy situation. It is healthy, that you already were engaged in auto-training.

22.05.2005, 17:06
Less look at "terrible" eyes of the doctor.

Especially if he - paid In general it contradicts medical ethics - SO to frighten the patient.

By the way, quite probably, that you would live EASY all life and not having learned or not having found out about these "passions".

Av it is simple very impressionable, and likely did not expect that in general, basically can something "hurt or be ill;be sick".

All is curable, do not think at all to be upset in this occasion.