Просмотр полной версии : Uterus Borovaja

Blue Flame
02.05.2005, 17:12
It seems so she is called... At me koshmarno morbid monthly... Tablets have ceased to help or assist... It was tortured already with them... And here recently has heard about this grass, speak, that helps or assists. Has hardly found in drugstores, anywhere was not, has read through what to drink it is necessary 2-3 times a day... And WHEN? During monthly, up to them, when? There it is not told or said... There can be who that drinks and knows as correctly it or her to have a drink, to facilitate my sufferings....

Baba Manya
03.05.2005, 13:18
At you children are? Speak that after sorts or labors hurts less. Though in my case it not so. I have pains in even worse than up to sorts or labors. Plus, each time pulls a seam, where me vrachiha pokromsala. Alas, such our female share. Ovuljaki, vydeljaki and other boljaki. pobrobujte sports. Even if very much, very much hurts, try to be passed or be taken place quickly. It helps or assists me. Even if it would not be desirable at all, I force myself.

Blue Flame
05.05.2005, 00:15
Children are not present while... I heard about it or this, but it is not time yet to give birth or travail to me...

And here about sports I have not thought I am engaged off and on since I hang at job longly... It is necessary to borrow or occupy seriously, can be will help or assist, and that already forces are not present to suffer or bear @ work in such days...

Baba Manya
06.05.2005, 03:53
Children are not present while... I heard about it or this, but it is not time yet to give birth or travail to me...

And here about sports I have not thought I am engaged off and on since I hang at job longly... It is necessary to borrow or occupy seriously, can be will help or assist, and that already forces are not present to suffer or bear @ work in such days...

To you have made ultrasound? Have excluded such things as an endometriosis and a cyst? It means simply feature of your organism. Try or taste meditation. Or include or switch on loud music and bodrenkim at a walk along the street. There are special exercises for a loin. You where hurts? A bottom of a stomach or belly or a loin? Do or make plie, -battements. You are familiar with a ballet slang? I understand, that when hurts, it would be desirable to creep away on a sofa, to be covered with a blanket and to be curtailed or turned into a lump. But from it or this it becomes easier not. In fact and during sorts or labors to women speak to go.

The visitor
06.05.2005, 11:11
Thanks for such fast response hurts a bottom of a stomach or belly.. Go as spastic strictures, I can not sometimes go simply from them.... I handed over all analyses still for a long time, went to the gynecologist-endocrinologist... She has told or said, that at me hormonal shift and anything to make it is impossible... Labors as an opportunity.. And all...

And it is possible to do or make what exercises thus? With a ballet slang it is not absolutely familiar, the second I do not know as to do or make and here about a sofa is precisely so I both do or make... Also I snap izpod it or him when that that from me wants someone

Blue Flame
08.05.2005, 06:49
The visitor was I... Blue Flame which...

10.05.2005, 23:33
Temka such already was, here that have responded http: // forum.nedug.ru/viewtopic.php? t=66080

And about pains - try or taste belly dance. Helps or assists, but, naturally, not at once. At dance the most "female" muscles which kachaniem press you will not involve are involved just. Pains decrease/vanish (at whom as) when muscles will get stronger.

Baba Manya
11.05.2005, 13:52
Thanks for such fast response hurts a bottom of a stomach or belly.. Go as spastic strictures, I can not sometimes go simply from them.... I handed over all analyses still for a long time, went to the gynecologist-endocrinologist... She has told or said, that at me hormonal shift and anything to make it is impossible... Labors as an opportunity.. And all...

And it is possible to do or make what exercises thus? With a ballet slang it is not absolutely familiar, the second I do not know as to do or make and here about a sofa is precisely so I both do or make... Also I snap izpod it or him when that that from me wants someone

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If hurts in the bottom of a stomach or belly a leg or foot under the same sofa, and to swing or pump press. It is possible to look one eye the TV to distract. Still it is possible to do or make different poses of type of "kitty" and "small fish".

13.05.2005, 05:32
And trainings with a special simulator have helped or assisted me though to be engaged the beginnings not for this purpose. It was necessary to tighten muscles of a small basin charging or charge special with a simulator, well and has received "by-effect", and has then read through, it appears, one of its or his (simulator) of reservings and is simplification of a morbid menses.

Medical vaginalnyj simulator Pelvictoner, can esteem about it here: www.naturalno.ru

15.05.2005, 04:02
At me so was in a deep youth. I and in a syncope from a pain fell in the underground. Horror! When there was a menses, in the days laid and sobed, did not eat anything. And very much were plentiful allocation. Bled profusely Literally.

Has passed or Has taken place, when became pronimat OK.TSikl became, as hours, allocation poor or scanty, about pains has forgotten.

Nevertheless it is disturbances of a hormonal background. Dysfunctions of ovaries. An endometriosis. And OK treat these pathologies.

Descend or Go to the gynecologist-endocrinologist, hand over a blood on hormones and make US of a small basin.

16.05.2005, 04:40
I drink "Najz"... Antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory.... Helps or assists.. Already there is more than year...

17.05.2005, 06:33
I too had a shift hormonal and in sldstvii it or this awful pains... I even anywhere did not go to these days at all.... Laid in a bed and asked mum me to warm, since at me the temperature was obviously below 36,6.... In general, the spastic stricture was reflected in all organism.... Mum will warm, I vytenus (about two years ago this pose helped or assisted, I am now turned off or am now folded kolachikom), we shall lie down so 1-1,5 hours and somehow a pain depart.... And in general such spastic strictures were because of hassle (because of sesy), now institute has finished, I work and I try to experience much less.... Can, poprobyvat to have a drink restful??? I personally not especially like hormonal, and here travku- it is possible!

18.05.2005, 01:55
I drink "Najz"... Antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory.... Helps or assists.. Already there is more than year...

Prikol... I drink "Nimegezik" is the same, have registered from an arthritis, but also monthly have appeared with it or him painless!!

19.05.2005, 22:15
Here and I yesterday weigh day kalachikom on a chair about a computer krjuchilas... A nightmare!

And that on the bill of sports I both on yoga and on dances go and pilates to master the beginnings and a current that that!?! All is peerly sick!

22.05.2005, 05:50
I drink "Najz"... Antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory.... Helps or assists.. Already there is more than year...

Prikol... I drink "Nimegezik" is the same, have registered from an arthritis, but also monthly have appeared with it or him painless!!

All ?o?-NONSTEROID resolvents (the most known-Aspirinums, Analginum, paratsitamol, Rheopyrinum, etc.) possess anesthetizing and antipyretic properties to some extent. And them appoint or nominate at arthritises, rheumatic disease and so forth

Now them it is so much kinds!

25.05.2005, 09:13
I drink "Najz"... Antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory.... Helps or assists.. Already there is more than year...

And I drink these tablets when I fall or be ill what to remove or take off signs. Did not know that they and in this case help or assist.

Baba Manya
28.05.2005, 17:09
Here and I yesterday weigh day kalachikom on a chair about a computer krjuchilas... A nightmare!

And that on the bill of sports I both on yoga and on dances go and pilates to master the beginnings and a current that that!?! All is peerly sick!

Namely during monthly go in for sports? When krovit?

Blue Flame
02.06.2005, 00:52
I drink Najz two years, this only thing, that to me could help or assist... But last two times the pain such strong becomes, that tablets do not muffle it or her absolutely... And in general, constantly to drink obezbalivajushchee not an output or exit, is necessary that that another to search, that the stomach poberech... Here about travku has learned or has found out, has decided to try or taste...

02.06.2005, 04:24
Do not drink what grass! Go to the doctor!

07.06.2005, 07:48
Here and I yesterday weigh day kalachikom on a chair about a computer krjuchilas... A nightmare!

And that on the bill of sports I both on yoga and on dances go and pilates to master the beginnings and a current that that!?! All is peerly sick!

Namely during monthly go in for sports? When krovit?

No!!! When at me monthly I lay and I die. What here sports!?! Simply it is considered that at those who is engaged in sports of anything cannot hurt or be ill;be sick. Type a correct posture, a metabolism - where I such heard that.

By the way strange not always at me morbidly it has put passes or takes place.

08.06.2005, 15:03
Hurt in time or before the beginning monthly can mean, that at you extensive adherent or adhesive process. My relative fainted from these menstrual pains. To her have performed operation by means of a laparoscopy and rassekli solderings, it became good.

Blue Flame
10.06.2005, 08:30
Educate, please, that such solderings and from what they appear? I with such did not collide or face and on inspection anything such at me have not found, though passed or took place detailed enough inspection... Business did not reach syncopes while I hope, that anything such at me is not present (TTT)... And that at all on itself became from such prospect...

29.06.2005, 13:41
Greetings! Almost always the first day terribly hurts me a stomach or belly. A saw all that is possible, but has helped or assisted banal Nurofen. 2 tablets I swallow also of all a pain in 20 minutes as an arm or a hand has removed or has taken off.