Просмотр полной версии : Pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly on the right - what is it?

26.11.2004, 17:06
Girls, was tortured to go already on doctors and to solve, chtozhe with me

Treated in the autumn an inflammation of appendages, the gynecologist has told or said, that like have cured. However pains have not passed or have not taken place. Noet it is constant on the right in the bottom of a stomach or belly, below pelvic bones where that on 5 Have see found out still a ptosis of kidneys. Began to think, what is it kidneys, however the urologist has assured me, that for kidneys of a pain too low and has advised to make US of a small basin. Today has made - have diagnosed - UZ attributes hr. An endometritis, an endocervicitis. And like even an inflammation of appendages. In general nothing is clear... One gynecologist speaks, that the inflammation is not present, another - that is. And naturally registers antibiotics. What to do or make? What can it hurt or be ill;be sick? Hurt some months.

01.12.2004, 04:57
Or to descend or go to the third gynecologist or to drink antibiotics. I would began to drink antibiotics - esil uzi have shown, that an inflammation, moreover and hurts, means it is necessary to treat.

11.12.2004, 07:03
Inflammation pridatov in general a chicken-feed chronic. Simply when the first doctor looked, there was a status of improvement and when vtoroj-can podzastudilis or were fidgety - here and the exacerbation of an inflammation has got out. And can hurt or be ill;be sick also at an ovulation from the inflamed ovary. It is possible to probe the jaichniki-on the right and at the left in the bottom of a stomach or belly in size with jablochko, at an exacerbation of an inflammation they (or one of them) are increased and morbid, because the liquid there accumulates. Though one survey malo-it is necessary a blood on leucocytes sdat-there it will be visible, whether there is an inflammation and what it gravities. And uzi konechno-the inflammation is fine visible where exactly. Many or a lot of;much years by a chronic inflammation I am stirred up or am excruciated, periodically that antibiotics, but bolnichka, on cold in general to sit it is impossible, in a skirt short and all such - at once becomes aggravated and noet.

14.12.2004, 04:30
What can hurt or be ill;be sick? Really appendages? Whether vysokovato for them?

I write where hurts. - below a belly-button of centimeters 5 and in the right party or side of centimeters 7. (I in general the girl small-type, a burden of 44 size.)

Where appendages hurt?

17.12.2004, 05:22
And it, hour, not an appendicitis? Can to you to other doctor it is necessary, not to the gynecologist?

17.12.2004, 18:55
I have pains in it is already enough long. The appendicitis does not hurt so much.

31.12.2004, 20:27
I have pains in it is already enough long. The appendicitis does not hurt so much.

Sometimes there are chronic forms.

13.01.2005, 06:37
What can hurt or be ill;be sick? Really appendages? Whether vysokovato for them?

I write where hurts. - below a belly-button of centimeters 5 and in the right party or side of centimeters 7. (I in general the girl small-type, a burden of 44 size.)

Where appendages hurt?

CHichas it is exact in the textbook I shall look or see, che on the right in this place. And appendages the lowermost that hurts, to a back can give, therefore them often with kidneys confuse.

27.01.2005, 13:08
I have pains in it is already enough long. The appendicitis does not hurt so much.

And why are assured what not an appendix, too can be..

Or then I shall put forward the version about solderings!

03.02.2005, 19:18
Go better to other doctor and check up better

Lena, simply Lena
06.02.2005, 11:46
What can hurt or be ill;be sick? Really appendages? Whether vysokovato for them?

I write where hurts. - below a belly-button of centimeters 5 and in the right party or side of centimeters 7. (I in general the girl small-type, a burden of 44 size.)

Where appendages hurt?

At me too approximately on such distance of a pain. Solderings and a cyst I -suspect, that I am am hurted by them.

Better to one more doctor descend or go. And US make for 5-7 day of a cycle.

14.02.2005, 06:57
The third doctor has told or said, that now inflammations are not present

In general a riddle that hurts... Gives to a loin a little. To tell the truth I suspect itself, what is it appendages.

US I shall do or make for 5 day, the gynecologist recommended. Eh, three more weeks almost to wait and tomitsja in ignorance...

19.02.2005, 20:49
At me was in the same way as you write: spravogo sides that "has got out" that, at body height 175 I weighed then 55 kg and to think what is it because I badly I go to a toilet there was no occasion - I well there went. As pulled a loin, then suddenly has sharply braided and I have got in hospital. Fought it is necessary me doctors, fought, could not define or determine that it in any way, excruciated minutes twenty, apendiks searched. Have then sent genikologa and here it - a cyst! In due time as have told or said - should resolve, and US of anything nepokazalo, year through two has got out, and the more so at me too predisposition to opuhljam (the daddy has died of a cancer). Do not think and do not guess, what it at you? Make inspection, do not regret time and money - be surveyed! Find the good doctor - now it simply to make, let they will see or overlook everyone on full programe, do not delay this business.

03.03.2005, 04:38
It can be everything! In a female organism so to all zaputanno, listen to nobody, go to the doctor - really good, make completely inspection and do not read horror stories, be surveyed and more time be surveyed.

13.03.2005, 17:54
Ajna! Excuse, for God's sake! My answer intended on a subject " I Die, girls which that at itself has found ", your subjects stood series, by mistake poputala answers - Thanks God, that I not the doctor! So to be mistaken... But all is peer - to descend or go to be surveyed it is necessary, than guess what is it can to be?

31.03.2005, 01:02
And can and appendetsit. My girlfriend was hurted or was ill;was sick in general with all stomach or belly and gave in pojanitsu, to a back, the truth still temperature has risen, gnolovnye pains. Week it was excruciated, doctors found nothing. Only one djadka has come - kaak has pressed where it is necessary - such pain. Everything, an appendicitis. Can be anything you like, go to the doctor.

The visitor
29.04.2005, 22:33
That who goes on US: do or make on the apparatus for pregnant women, usual nothing sees

29.06.2005, 03:09
That who goes on US: do or make on the apparatus for pregnant women, usual nothing sees

What is this the apparatus for pregnant women? US he and in Africa of US

About an appendicitis - hardly, he cannot three months hurt or be ill;be sick.