Просмотр полной версии : Contraception. Botched work. The help!

01.04.2005, 07:16
So I have turned out on a life, that in these questions not spets. Here only has begun for the first time ispoltovat an adhesive tape "Evra", well you know he works by a principle pilli. I use the third week and at me in the middle of a cycle botched work which every day increases gradually or is gradually enlarged has begun. One month ago was at the doctor and at me all was in the uttermost order. Hence, all with me an event from for hormonal reorganization. Whether so? Can to me this contraceptive does not approach or suit? Or time for adpatatsii is necessary? I Remember the friend told, that with the beginning of reception pilli from it or her poured as from a bucket with pieces two months, the doctor persuaded to wait and suffer. And in two months really all was normalized. But, I do not want as from a bucket

And if I shall simply stop use of this adhesive tape? Or so with hormonal preparations it is impossible to address?

28.06.2005, 13:02
Yes calm down, with contraceptives of such plan often it is necessary to wait the period of accustoming. And from what you have taken, cho as from a bucket from you is weeded?

To stop simply so it is impossible, differently it is valid polyotsja.