Просмотр полной версии : Lindinet

16.04.2005, 20:24
To me the doctor has advised these tablets. So them praised highly! The pier, and contraceptive 100 %, and a small dose of hormones (will not grow stout and do not do much harm to health, but hormones will put in order), and monthly will be without pains, and the cycle is normalized, and not dear or expensive. The miracle, instead of tablets is simple. Who tried or tasted? I Doubt, that happens such tablets with which all perfectly and is not present anything bad!

24.04.2005, 08:44
Really anybody never heard about these tablets?

27.04.2005, 00:36
To tell the truth, I about such did not hear... But at me a question in other - why you so nedoverjaete to the doctor? To her is more visible, I think will be, than we here shall advise you. And why you doubt, that " happens such tablets with which all perfectly and is not present anything bad! ". Happen! For example I drank Logest. And too to destination the doctor. Any by-effects, all is excellent or different. There too a small dose of hormones, by the way. And in occasion of that the doctor to you has told or said that monthly will be without pains, and the cycle is normalized - so this magic property practically all OK. Very much many for that also drink them to anesthetize or normalize m.ts., and the some people in the cosmetic purposes as the quantity or amount of spots and a skin decreases becomes good. So I think, that it is not necessary to worry, and to start spokojnenko them to accept.

01.05.2005, 00:14
Not so I trust, because the doctor new, has come to her on reception the first time and she at all did not survey me. But only has a little looked through a map. I for some reason cannot believe, that is such Ok which give 100 % protivozatochnosti.

09.05.2005, 23:39
Not so I trust, because the doctor new, has come to her on reception the first time and she at all did not survey me. But only has a little looked through a map. I for some reason cannot believe, that is such Ok which give 100 % protivozatochnosti.

And me the doctor with which opinions I very much respect, has registered "JArinu"..

Actually, kazhomu one certain contraceptive approaches or suits.. You can try or taste what have recommended but if sweep up or will notice what by-effects (with OK it easier, than with other preparations), pass to another, it is desirable in advance having talked with the expert..

18.05.2005, 15:57
... I for some reason cannot believe, that is such Ok which give 100 % protivozatochnosti.

Well it is direct 100 % "protivozachatochnosti" anybody does not give, basically... The Heap of cases, that girls are protected variously, and all the same Would come. Here already, probably, the law of meanness or low act works. And anywhere (neither on prezirvativah, nor on tablets, on suppositories) you will not find, that =100 %. And in occasion of your doubts, zhyoltyesteny the rights! Try or taste, it is not pleasant - will pass to another OK. And if the doctor to you so it or him has appointed or nominated, probably he most approaches or suits for your age, is most harmless and is good OK. Because if OK contains any such hormones which can change your hormonal background such preparations appoint or nominate a current after blood analysises to hormones, etc. do not worry you so, Kira. All will be normul. Have a drink also will see! What is that experience did not cost at all.

The visitor
23.05.2005, 01:28
I drink Lindinet.

Read in an Internet, that Lindinet and Logest are very similar preparations, only Logest ponovee, Lindinet old enough preparation.

Yes, not dear or expensive, yes, the cycle normalizes (for that and I drink), yes, pains almost any, allocation become poor or scanty, any zaparok in occasion of everyones there linings, yes, has not grown stout (well can, the breast has increased a droplet).

The same (except for the price) I can tell or say and about Logest.

01.06.2005, 11:21
My doctor (in Ukraine) before appointing or nominating to me Logest, has given a direction on analyses. And it is simple " the doctor has advised " to equivalently that " the girl-friend tried or tasted also to her has approached or suited ".

24.06.2005, 20:10
My doctor (in Ukraine) before appointing or nominating to me Logest, has given a direction on analyses. And it is simple " the doctor has advised " to equivalently that " the girl-friend tried or tasted also to her has approached or suited ".

Yaska, this most correct when appoint or nominate OK after analyses. Simply such nizkodozirovannye preparations as Logest (and here still Lindinet) can be accepted absolutely everything, and no obesity and a pilosis from them will exist. And send on analyses, only or if such doctor (responsible or crucial) or if any suspicion, that with hormones not that's all right and probably Logestom you will not get off, and it is necessary to appoint or nominate something more seriously, for example to Diana-35. It too OK, but dejstvite there also medical. And here such OK, without analyses in any way it is impossible. And with Logestom or Lindinetom I think it is not necessary to frighten Kiru, is worse to her it becomes exact from it or him not.