Просмотр полной версии : Djufaston

23.06.2005, 15:38
Pregnancy - 8 weeks. On term of 4-5 weeks there was a threat of discontinuing: US has shown, that a fetus prekrepilsja it is very low. The doctor has appointed or nominated a confinement to bed and djufaston 4 times a day. Here 3 weeks I drink as it is appointed or nominated. Bloody allocation have completely stopped. But disturbs a question: whether appoint or nominate djufaston in such doses? In the instruction to a preparation a recommended dose much below.
Thanks for attention.

23.06.2005, 17:05
Instructions write not for patients. Accept the treatment appointed or nominated by the doctor.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.