Просмотр полной версии : Three-?NO??

01.12.2004, 02:08
Lovely women! Wished to ask you, how to you tablets Three-?NO??? Any special changes with weight does not arise? As influences treatment of erosion. To me the doctor has told or said, that will be possible and not prizhigat-year poprinemaesh and all will pass or take place!!!

24.12.2004, 15:15
Lovely women! Wished to ask you, how to you tablets Three-?NO??? Any special changes with weight does not arise? As influences treatment of erosion. To me the doctor has told or said, that will be possible and not prizhigat-year poprinemaesh and all will pass or take place!!!

I accepted them in current of half a year. They to me do not send or have approached;have suited, bleedings of break have begun. Has now passed on Trikvilar, like anything.

29.12.2004, 11:27
I do not know, I accept three- already more half a year, that's all right, monthly steel regular, a skin on the face too pure or clean. Absence of an inclination I do not suffer. It is necessary to try or taste. If has not approached or suited, still there are many new preparations. This all especially individually.

19.01.2005, 14:47
I accepted them in current of half a year. They to me do not send or have approached;have suited, bleedings of break have begun. Has now passed on Trikvilar, like anything.

The same chicken-feed! Accepted more year, all over again all ok was, and last half-year have begun :, the inclination has disappeared somehow. One of these days to the doctor went, has told or said, that they at all do not approach or suit me: when OK you accept - that does not happen solderings, cysts. And at me a cyst have found. But thanks God nonfunctional (under?). Have told or said a break to do or make and on others to pass. But all depends on individuality of an organism!

26.02.2005, 06:41
Yes it would be desirable to learn or find out more about them. To me certainly the doctor has attributed them, too and as like medical, and not it is a lot of in order or rather hormones to result or bring. Noja them even a month has not spent on drink. That will be I do not know..

28.02.2005, 08:51
Yes it would be desirable to learn or find out more about them...

Tablets Three-?NO??


Tablets of yellow color (7 pieces in up.) 1 tab.

dezogestrel 50 mkg

etinilestradiol 35 mkg

Tablets of red color (7 pieces in up.) 1 tab.

dezogestrel 100 mkg

etinilestradiol 30 mkg

Tablets of white color (7 pieces in up.) 1 tab.

dezogestrel 150 mkg

etinilestradiol 30 mkg

21 pieces - packings jachejkovye planimetric (1) - bags from an aluminium foil (1) - packs cardboard.


tab., pokr. An environment, different color: 21 pieces, including; tab. It is yellow. Colors 50 +35 mkg: 7 pieces; tab. krasn. Colors 100 +30 mkg: 7 pieces; tab. White color 150 +30 mkg: 7 pieces - P ?012322/01-2000 13.10.00

Pharmacological action Three-?NO??

The three-phase combined contraceptive preparation for intake.

The contraceptive effect is caused by suppression of an ovulation owing to oppression of gonadotrophic function of a pituitary body, rising of viscosity of cervical slime that complicates penetration of spermatozoons into a uterus, and also changes in endometrii, interfering nidatsii ootids.

On a background of reception of a preparation occur or happen regular menstrualnopodobnye reactions.

Application Three-?NO?? leads to rising of a level of the globulin connecting or binding sexual steroids (GSPG) and depression of a level of free Testosteron-Depotum in a blood that matters at such displays giperandrogenii as a seborrhea and akne.

Pharmakokinetics Three-?NO??


At intake dezogestrel and etinilestradiol it is fast and are completely soaked up, thus dezogestrel turns in etonogestrel. Cmax etonogestrela in Serum it is reached or achieved through 1.5 ch and makes from 1.5 ng/ml (the first week) up to 5 ng/ml (the third week), etinilestradiola - through 1-2 ch and makes nearby 80 u/ml. Bioavailability dezogestrela makes 62-81 % and etinilestradiola - 60 %.


Etonogestrel contacts a seralbumin and GSPG. Etinilestradiol in a high degree, but it is not specific contacts a seralbumin (98.5 %) and causes augmentation of serumal concentration GSPG.


Etonogestrel it is completely metabolized by known ways of a metabolism of steroids.

Etinilestradiol it is metabolized by aromatic gidroksilirovanija, with education gidroksilirovannyh and metilirovannyh metabolites.


Etonogestrel and etinilestradiol are deduced or removed in the form of metabolites with urine and bile.

Indications Three-?NO??

- Peroral contraception.

Regimen of dosage Three-?NO??

Time is necessary to accept tablets daily, by way of, specified on packing, in one and too, washing down with a small amount of a liquid.

Preparation appoint or nominate from first day of a menses on 1 tab./?OO within 21 days, since yellow tablets which should be accepted within 7 days, then accept red tablets during the following of 7 days and, at last, white tablets during the following of 7 days.

Reception of tablets from the next packing begin after a 7-day's break during which comes menstrualnopodobnoe a bleeding. It usually begins for 2-3 day after reception of last tablet from packing and can not end prior to the beginning of reception of tablets from following packing.

Side effect Three-?NO??

From endocrine system: intermenstrual krovjanistye allocation; nagrubanie, morbidity and secretion from mammary glands; change of cervical secretion, an amenorrhea on a background of reception of a preparation.

From an alimentary system: a nausea, a vomiting.

From TSNS: a headache, a migraine, change of mood.

From a metabolism: a delay of a liquid in an organism, change of mass of a body.

Other: the nodulose erythema, a dermal eruption, depression of an acceptability of contact lenses, augmentation of risk of occurrence of a thromboembolism are possible or probable hloazma.



- Indicatings in the anamnesis on a chronic arterial hypertensia, an infarct, an insult;

- Diseases of valves of heart;

- A deep vein thrombosis, a pulmonary embolism;

- A cancer of a mammary gland now;

- An acute virus hepatitis;

- A cirrhosis of a liver in a stage of a decompensation;

- Tumours of a liver;

- A diabetes mellitis with vascular complications;

- A migraine with a focal neurologic symptomatology;

- Pregnancy;

- vaginalnoe a bleeding of an obscure etiology;

- Feeding by a breast in the first 6-8 weeks after sorts or labors;

- Smoking women is more senior than 35 years;

- A hypersensibility to any from components of a preparation.

Pregnancy and lactemia Three-?NO??

The preparation is counter-indicative at pregnancy. In researches it is not revealed teratogennogo actions at casual reception of the combined peroral contraceptives on early durations of gestation.

The preparation is counter-indicative during thoracal feeding in the first 6-8 weeks after sorts or labors.

The combined peroral contraceptives can influence a lactemia, causing deterioration and change of structure of thoracal milk. Therefore Three-?NO?? are not recommended to be appointed or nominated during thoracal feeding.

Special indicatings Three-?NO??

With care appoint or nominate to women with high risk of clottages, attributes of a heart failure, a ciliary arrhythmia, an arterial hypertensia, an epilepsy, a migraine, illness or disease the Crone and falcularly-cellular anemia.

At patients with much expressed varicose phlebectasia it is necessary to weigh carefully advantages of preservation from pregnancy and risk of occurrence of by-effects as a result of application Three-?NO??.

The preparation can increase danger of occurrence of a clottage at patients, podvergshihsja to an operative measure and a long immobilization.

At women with tumorous diseases in an abdominal cavity and acute abdominal pains it is necessary to exclude a hepatocellular adenoma.

Patients at whom arises hloazma, at application of a preparation should avoid stay on the sun.

During application of a preparation medical examination at least once a year is shown

Efficiency Three-?NO?? can decrease in case of the miss or passing of its or his reception, at a diarrhea or the vomiting which has arisen in first 4 ch after reception of a preparation.

35 years are more senior than smoking women is necessary to inform about necessity of refusal of smoking if they are measured or going to accept Three-?NO?? contraceptions with the purpose.

Overdosage Three-?NO??

Toxicity both etinilestradiola, and dezogestrela the lowest, therefore probability of occurrence of signs of an overdosage Three-?NO?? is insignificant.

Signs: at casual intake of several tablets of a preparation the nausea, a vomiting, and at girls - insignificant krovjanistye allocation from a vagina are possible or probable.

Treatment: carrying out of symptomatic therapy.

Medicinal interaction Three-?NO??

Efficiency of a preparation decreases at simultaneous application with Rifampicinum, barbiturates, Phenylbutazonum, Phenytoinum of sodium, Karbamazepinum activated by coal, purgatives and, probably, with Griseofulvinum, Ampicillinum and Tetracyclinums.

Conditions and periods of storage

The preparation should be stored or kept at a room temperature.

Conditions of holiday from drugstores

The preparation is released or let off under the prescription.

The manufacturer: ORGANON Three-?NO??

23.06.2005, 01:30
Here to you infa about Three- with all the heart! CHesno speaking, I used them och. For a long time (already wrote about it or this), about 1,5 years. One of these days US did or made - have told or said, that this preparation does not approach or suit me, on single-phase have translated or transferred after a break, and now... Long live a rubber industry! But the some people in full delight from it or this OK!

And thanks for the report in lichku