Просмотр полной версии : Ureaplasma

06.09.2004, 19:42
I have handed over analyses on the latent infections, the mycoplasma and a ureaplasma have been as a result found out. The doctor has suggested to make an antibiotic to gram, that nedeshevo. Whether has it sense, whether is usual vymagatelstvom? Thanks.

06.10.2004, 05:12
It is meaningful in the event that you already were ever treated by any antibiotics, and it is supposed, that microorganisms are not so sensitive to them.

02.06.2005, 09:07
It completely agree with Anna;)

09.06.2005, 13:45
And on mine if the question concerns or touches mycoplasmas and chlamydias and then antibiotikogramma it is not necessary. It is enough to remember a group resistance and preparations of a reserve (Minotsiklin from group of Tetracyclinums, medikomitsin, dzhozamitsin for azolidov), and on the extremest case Chloramfenicolum.

11.06.2005, 02:03
And in what order them to appoint or nominate in cases of a resistance? All successively up to the victorious extremity or end?

19.06.2005, 03:52
If the purpose - the victorious extremity or end, toest full illiminatsija the originator, - yes, up to the victorious extremity or end. In what order - business *quot; oO?a*quot; the doctor. Any of the named preparations has no perekryosnoj and an intragroup resistance, except for pair 16- azolidov medikamitsin - dzhozamitsin (on my them so name) which have podgruppovuju a resistance. Moreover, as it is declared by developers, minotsiklin saves efficiency even in case of repeated consecutive purpose or appointment, in case of super-and reinfections. To apply these preparations in a variant mono or polycomponental antibacterial therapy, as to solve to the attending physician. I prefer monotherapy, in high therapeutic doses. But nobody has forbidden also a polyantibioticotherapia, with the purpose preodalenija to a resistance due to several places of the application of action. I think you it is better me know. Anyway to consider an intragroup resistance it is necessary, and to not treat by a principle: Erythromycin - *gt; sumamed - *gt; roksitromitsin - *gt; klaritromitsin or Metacyclinum - *gt; a doxycycline..., etc.

Yes, by the way. And how you are going to to make antibiotikogrammu for chlamydias?

Yours faithfully.

20.06.2005, 21:33
Whether instead of more cheaply after 1-2 unsuccessful courses to define or determine sensitivity to antibiotics? About chlamydias speech did not go.

21.06.2005, 04:31
You met disks Spiromitsina, Dzhozemitsina, Eltatrelena, etc.?

I not to time did not meet necessity of repeated courses, at use minotsiklina, or macrofoam provided that last or any other 16-member. azolid earlier was not applied. Can to me has not carried...:p

But it is especially good minotsiklin.

Yours faithfully...

21.06.2005, 06:45
Forgive or Excuse Dr. Sed, you such therapy of whom wish to win originator, a normal microflora or the patient?

You to the child also will "experimentally" select an antibiotic up to the victorious extremity or end ?

21.06.2005, 07:20
Uvzhaemyj Dr. Zajtsev. Upomenanie children my, your or whose or still it is not pertinent, in fact it is a question not of a nursery, and at all about teenage gynecology.

1. *quot; at a choice of a suitable agent should be certain, but sensitivity to antibiotics is not overestimated. The isolated microorganism should not be etiologicheski a responsible or crucial microorganism. The clinical effect is more indicative, than rezultatopredelenija sensitivities... *quot; background Bruhhauzen (Clinical famakoterapija and farmokologija).

2. The recommended report of therapy of inflammatory diseases of small basin TSS II-III or amp/?i + Tetracyclinum or makrolid.

Dzh. Senford, D.Gilbert (the Washington directory of antibacterial therapy), H.p. Strachunsky, S.N.Kozlov (Antibiotics: klinichkskaja pharmacology).

3. Routine, or, I even would tell or say, the traditional report of therapy of inflammatory diseases of a small basin in our hospitals is purpose or appointment Gentomitsina 0,08 21 - 30 with Metronidazolum (Trichopolum) 0,25 21, or Clindamycin at the best.

Specified by me Medikomitsin (Macrofoams), Dzhozamitsin - on an iota not toksichnee old kind Erythromycin, Minatsiklin is less toxic than the Doxycycline, and is much less toxic than Tetracyclinum. And all these preparations are incomparably less toxic than any Aminoglycosides as a whole and Gentatsiklin in particular. And by the way are incomparably more effective, in comparison with Gentamycin, from it or him of 80 % a secondary resistance at earlier sensitive flora. Tets Century (the directory on clinical microbiology).

And this traditional report, as a rule, naproch excludes what that nibylo probiohabit spasms, somatoprotektory. In the best case includes antimikotik - Nistatinum, and as top immunomoduljatsii Timolin or Timogen (if the doctor advanced). Till now Pyrogenalum, Prodigiosanum and the Gonovaccine are everywhere used. And anybody does not reflect at all on an opportunity to induce development of syndrome Rejtera. Here it, from my point of view experiments...

Yes, the doctor, I think to you it was necessary to nurse or pace patients after application of the report of sterilization of an intestine ftorhinolonami II-III. Difficultly, but it is possible. The truth it not that case on which the given discussion was fastened.

The resume: I do not see kriminala in use, as impericheskoj a rational antibioticotherapia, diseases, in a condition polyvalent secondary rezistentsii preparations of a reserve, in a combination to probiohabit spasms, antimikotikami, interferonogenami.

P.S. By the way, the similar report is offered in the methodical management or manual developed In SPbMAPO And. Item Remezovym, Century A.Neverov and. Century Semenovym.

Yours faithfully.