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06.05.2005, 15:53
Girls, calm me, and...

The doctor has persuaded me on spiral VM, for 5 years, on a trace to week I shall go to insert

All anything, only to give birth or travail was not afraid, and spiralku to put I am afraid... Who knows, how it is done or made, with anesthesia or without, whether it is sick in general? More shortly, I am afraid, because I know nothing, write, and.... plz

07.05.2005, 05:55
Consult with other doctors, as this very serious business. At times doctors simply do or make money for the patients. If 20 years ago doctors tried to accept labors naturally and Cesarean did or made as a last resort now everyone the second gives birth or travails through Cesarean simply because it is paid operation.

07.05.2005, 11:34
Be not afraid.

I too was afraid, that will be sick. Especially, I did not give birth or travail. Asked the girlfriends - everyone speak, what is it completely not painfully. Anesthesia simply is not required. All lasts only 1-2 minutes. The fleeting nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly as during monthly is possible or probable. And all. Has just made an appointment with the doctor - tomorrow I go to put a spiral.

08.05.2005, 09:48
Consult with other doctors, as this very serious business. At times doctors simply do or make money for the patients. If 20 years ago doctors tried to accept labors naturally and Cesarean did or made as a last resort now everyone the second gives birth or travails through Cesarean simply because it is paid operation.

Good doctors in our city are not present...

Generally I wanted a hormonal implant, a cat. In a brachium it is sewed, but me have dissuaded, t.k I nurse, though he is not counter-indicative...

In general, I in a bewilderment

08.05.2005, 16:36
Be not afraid.

I too was afraid, that will be sick. Especially, I did not give birth or travail. Asked the girlfriends - everyone speak, what is it completely not painfully. Anesthesia simply is not required. All lasts only 1-2 minutes. The fleeting nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly as during monthly is possible or probable. And all. Has just made an appointment with the doctor - tomorrow I go to put a spiral.

Excuse, a question: your gynecologist has agreed to put you, not given birth or not travailled, a spiral? Usually they try to dissuade, as not given birth or not travailled the spiral is not desirable...

09.05.2005, 14:48

09.05.2005, 18:26
Be not afraid.

I too was afraid, that will be sick. Especially, I did not give birth or travail. Asked the girlfriends - everyone speak, what is it completely not painfully. Anesthesia simply is not required. All lasts only 1-2 minutes. The fleeting nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly as during monthly is possible or probable. And all. Has just made an appointment with the doctor - tomorrow I go to put a spiral.

Excuse, a question: your gynecologist has agreed to put you, not given birth or not travailled, a spiral? Usually they try to dissuade, as not given birth or not travailled the spiral is not desirable...

-May who to me would tell or say earlier was one attempt and has ended she with how my grandmother has told or said: has learned or has found out that such labors not rozhav has started to leave

10.05.2005, 10:58
Be not afraid.

I too was afraid, that will be sick. Especially, I did not give birth or travail. Asked the girlfriends - everyone speak, what is it completely not painfully. Anesthesia simply is not required. All lasts only 1-2 minutes. The fleeting nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly as during monthly is possible or probable. And all. Has just made an appointment with the doctor - tomorrow I go to put a spiral.

Excuse, a question: your gynecologist has agreed to put you, not given birth or not travailled, a spiral? Usually they try to dissuade, as not given birth or not travailled the spiral is not desirable...

-May who to me would tell or say earlier was one attempt and has ended she with how my grandmother has told or said: has learned or has found out that such labors not rozhav has started to leave

I too heard, that not given birth or not travailled do not put horror what

10.05.2005, 11:36
JuliaTTT, no trouble in a spiral is not present. The only thing, it is necessary to pick up the size correctly. To me here the first put - has not approached or suited, have changed for the size pomennshe - problems any are not present.

11.05.2005, 09:56
I report.

Just from the doctor. Not painfully absolutely and quickly. Distances two tablets (like as anesthetizing). One is accepted before the equipment or installation, another after. I sit at job bodrenkaja and fresh. In vain I was not solved earlier.

Yes, by the way, not given birth or not travailled it is possible to put a spiral. And it two doctors, as have advised me the most optimum for me a variant.

12.05.2005, 06:11
JuliaTTT, no trouble in a spiral is not present. The only thing, it is necessary to pick up the size correctly. To me here the first put - has not approached or suited, have changed for the size pomennshe - problems any are not present.

Gardenija, and the size only eksperementalnym is by defined or determined?

I Report.

Just from the doctor. Not painfully absolutely and quickly. Distances two tablets (like as anesthetizing). One is accepted before the equipment or installation, another after. I sit at job bodrenkaja and fresh. In vain I was not solved earlier.

Yes, by the way, not given birth or not travailled it is possible to put a spiral. And it two doctors, as have advised me the most optimum for me a variant.

Thanks, has calmed and that me was terribly confused with a phrase of the doctor, that it or she in an operational cabinet or study is put

The visitor
12.05.2005, 22:28
Gardenija, and the size only eksperementalnym is by defined or determined?

And who would know.

13.05.2005, 21:51
Gardenija, and the size only eksperementalnym is by defined or determined?

And who would know.

It I was.

14.05.2005, 00:13
In the past to year put a spiral... Has ended -pregnancy, before did not give birth or travail. To put it is completely not sick-5 minutes and it is ready.

15.05.2005, 01:10
Though komnjami me shower, but I katigoricheski against spirals.

15.05.2005, 06:31
I tozh. I do not understand, in what prikol.

15.05.2005, 19:50
Though komnjami me shower, but I katigoricheski against spirals.


16.05.2005, 11:39
Though komnjami me shower, but I katigoricheski against spirals.


17.05.2005, 09:59
Though komnjami me shower, but I katigoricheski against spirals.


I already asked Solar to make experiment, I do not know have made or not.

It would be pleasant to you, if you sideways or where-string there tyrkali it is constant? Here in a uterus the same occurs or happens.

17.05.2005, 15:00
I Report.

Just from the doctor. Not painfully absolutely and quickly. Distances two tablets (like as anesthetizing). One is accepted before the equipment or installation, another after. I sit at job bodrenkaja and fresh. In vain I was not solved earlier.

Yes, by the way, not given birth or not travailled it is possible to put a spiral. And it two doctors, as have advised me the most optimum for me a variant.

It is simply surprising, where you find such doctors. A spiral to put should it is recommended, though anywhere and it is not written, that it is impossible. Now so much different methods of contraception, always it is possible to pick up optimum. Good, suppose, hormonal contraceptives are counter-indicative to you, but there is also barrier methods, the same prezik. By the way, if your doctors such clever could explain to you action of Naval Forces and why she is not recommended not given birth or not travailled

18.05.2005, 10:30
I too against spirals.....

Even after sorts or labors I shall not put.....

18.05.2005, 10:42
Once there was an experience, put a spiral, put during monthly since the uterus is opened or open, not painfully. But in couple of days taakie pains as fights, promuchalas two weeks also have cleaned or removed. Not given birth or not travailled to not put better, very harmfully. An alien or a foreign body it and in Africa alien or foreign.

18.05.2005, 13:40
Girls, not by the experience, on another's I shall tell or say - do not put!!!

When laid in hospital with an abortion, has met the girl - tozh with an abortion. She told, that has put a spiral, and then, later any time (I do not know what - some months can, and can - years) zaberemennela. They with the husband och. Were delighted and have solved to leave the child, and the third month there was an abortion... Doctors surveyed tissues (that the uterus has thrown out), and have not found a spiral. Probably have not found out simply since uzi tozh has not found out it or her in a uterus. The diagnosis - probably the spiral has left in a wall of a uterus or an abdominal cavity, i.e. it is possible or probable!!! Girls, regret itself!!! Better the interrupted sexual certificate or act, than such...

19.05.2005, 17:49
Well, mlja...

20.05.2005, 23:35
New if the spiral is picked up not on the size, she can elementary drop out imperceptibly for the woman (for example, in a toilet). At an exercise stress it also very much even is possible or probable.

Such cases happen enough often and at your friend could happens too most.

Well you also have intimidated people!