Просмотр полной версии : The first monthly. Advise.

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28.11.2004, 19:44
At me yesterday under new year they have begun for the first time. I do not know to be pleased or cry. It is very unusual to me. Eh the childhood, the childhood, farewell! I when have noticed a blood thought, that me gljuchit. But then all has understood and was frightened. It is somehow strange to become is more adult. I planned the main thing in the extremity or end of next summer they nachnutsja, and here on you... Can perevozbudilas it is strong? And still enrages that at mamki echno the lining should be elicited. Devchyonki how you have reconciled to it or this? How have got used?

The girlfriend somewhere subtracted or deducted, that the first monthly begin only after it is time to girl to wear lifchik. And still it is not time to me... Any failure in an organism Can at me???

Me still interests here that. Yesterday, when they have begun, I almost have felt nothing, simply strongly it would be desirable in a toilet in a small way, and a little in a more way. Bloods it was allocated very little. I heard that at all always vpervyj time much... Strange. Here that night a new lining has taken, and for the morning she has not been strongly polluted. Then new has again taken - she too for all day of all slightly has become soiled. And everywhere a blood brown. The girlfriend learned or taught me, that when korchnevaja monthly come to an end... In general, everything, what at me happens, it is normal?

And more I in fact not skilled or experienced. Tell what linings snachalo to wear, and what then (thick, average, etc.) What best. On what law they begin and how long last. I heard, that it is necessary to get or start a calendar card and there to mark or celebrate days of their beginning and the extremity or end, etc. Voobshchem learn silly. Please. I wait for the help from you.

Lija 13.

Baba Manya
02.12.2004, 23:50
The lovely girl, 13 years is quite normal age for the first monthly. That that you still should not wear lifchik it not a parameter of that that monthly send or have come too early. At each girl the organism develops variously. The first monthly usually painless and not so plentiful, simply brownish allocation. The second monthly can come not precisely in a month. Can pass or take place a break between the first monthly and the second and so will be while the cycle will not be adjusted. And why you are afraid to ask a lining for mum? At you insufficiently confidential attitudes or relations? I think that mum will understand you and will disseminate your pavors. But if it is unpleasant to you to speak with mum, talk to the nurse in you at school. All taki she the physician also will give you objective advice or council.

03.12.2004, 18:00
At me monthly in general have begun in 11 years. And, were very plentiful. Be not afraid, that with you, it is normal. The calendar card should be got or started, and to cross out or lead round when they at you. Only, they all over again will be not natural. Can propodat for a year and more and to last less or more days than usually. About color tozh do not worry, they always different. And that pains are not present, same is good! Be not afraid. And it is valid, why to mum you will not tell? Well she will not bite you! Well if so you do not want, itself go, and buy or purchase to yourself linings. Small (the most thin on every day approach or suit, and on the extremity or end), and greater or big (with krylashkami for example), are very necessary for 1-3 day (they the most plentiful), well and can night take. A moustache like... Be not upset.

08.12.2004, 09:14
And lifchik, it is valid not a parameter, and do not hurry up it or him to wear. Speak, he prevents breasts to develop and be formed well.

The visitor
08.12.2004, 23:07
A mne kagetsya eto razvodka

13.12.2004, 23:42
It is any not distributing! By the way, today allocation became more plentiful. Sometimes the stomach or belly hardly aches a bit... And further that, before monthly to hurt or be ill;be sick it will be strong? By the way and what nutrition it is necessary to use, and what is not present? And linings need to be worn daily, even when is not present monthly? On any fireman...

16.12.2004, 00:26
13 years - quite normal age for this purpose. Lifchik here at all and. Can at you it is simple a breast small. At me enough greater or big breast, but lifchik I began to wear approximately on half a year later. The first menses differs on character from the subsequent a little and be valid can only brown color, it is normal. About linings: there are linings on every day, instead of for the period monthly. I recommend while to use. The first half a year the cycle can be irregular and they can gain or help you, if monthly nachnutsja ahead of time. I only have not understood why you at mum elicit each lining? To mum necessarily talk. Linings should lay in an accessible place. And mum of the house will not be? At the daddy will elicit? The calendar card will not prevent, while monthly do not become regular. How much last - very individually. Esteem any sites medical. There variants of norm or rate are given all.

I congratulate you on the beginning vzroslenija.

20.12.2004, 12:54
And when monthly it is possible to wash only under douche???

25.12.2004, 11:43
Can and in bathing to sit, if they not sick and not plentiful

31.12.2004, 08:31
Here only douche has left... The Nightmare monthly till now. Only now it is much more. And in fact it is possible to die of the big loss of blood? To me so it is sad... The PANCAKE!!!!

01.01.2005, 13:01
Yes to be pleased it is necessary. I as blagoslavenija waited for the .

CheerLeader Girl
03.01.2005, 11:01
He... Yes be not afraid. At me when I have begun, I in general have thought, whether I shall die of such big loss of blood... Too, sat, cried... These are hormones, changes of mood... And in general to me of 14 years so, that I recently through it have passed or have taken place!

Baba Manya
07.01.2005, 07:53
It is any not distributing! By the way, today allocation became more plentiful. Sometimes the stomach or belly hardly aches a bit... And further that, before monthly to hurt or be ill;be sick it will be strong? By the way and what nutrition it is necessary to use, and what is not present? And linings need to be worn daily, even when is not present monthly? On any fireman...

Liija, drink vitamins C iron to compensate a loss of blood. And that the hemoglobin can go down. I in it or this to year had an abortion, and before and after it or him the cycle was stabilized, there was a frequent bleeding therefore I have lost a lot of blood. Now I try to raise or increase a hemoglobin. And to you I advise to start to accept vitamins.

11.01.2005, 17:15
Yes, the first monthly it is a small shock. The life is a little menjaetsja.

Has usually begun the first monthly it is connected with weight of the girl.

This achievement of 48 kg is usual.

14.01.2005, 08:53
Umka, and and here weight? And if the girl 150 see body height? So it is necessary 48 kg. To weigh? Nonsense what that! You where such have read through?

Baba Manya
19.01.2005, 21:31
Umka, and and here weight? And if the girl 150 see body height? So it is necessary 48 kg. To weigh? Nonsense what that! You where such have read through?

Not concrete weight, and percent or interest of Adeps in a female body, more likely. But that that from sharp loss of weight can monthly stop, it yes.

26.01.2005, 03:18
The percent or interest zhira-it sounds more logically, therefore as at patients anureksiej stop monthly. But that 48 kg. Is, on mine, bosh full.

Baba Manya
26.01.2005, 15:19
The Percent or Interest zhira-it sounds more logically, therefore as at patients anureksiej stop monthly. But that 48 kg. Is, on mine, bosh full.

Not only at anoreksov monthly vanish, but also at some women-. If the percent or interest of Adeps falls below the certain level the ovulation stops as an organism not in a status to support or maintain pregnancy, he has simply nothing to feed the child. Works the protective mechanism.

Still, in days of my grandmother at girls was not monthly till 16-17 years. War, a bad delivery probably has affected or has had an effect.

27.01.2005, 22:59
I know, that not only, I for an example have resulted or brought it. At my grandmother in 19 years have begun, probably from for it or this.

Baba Manya
28.01.2005, 22:00
I know, that not only, I for an example have resulted or brought it. At my grandmother in 19 years have begun, probably from for it or this.

At the American girls often in 7-8 years begins, especially at black. What is it? Feature of race? No, most likely a delivery. They eat a lot of the cheap chicken meat reared on hormones, here it and affects their organism.

03.02.2005, 14:01
Can also features, I do not know. But in general this generation all what that skorospelki. Here at us in Israel too in 9-10 years at many begin. Can also the climate hot influences. At me in 12 years have begun, but like it it is normal. And at the girlfriend of one mine in Russia in 9. The poor girl, from 9 years with linings to go, and linings then especially were not, trjapochki pure or clean turned off or folded and enclosed or laid. A nightmare. [/quote]

09.02.2005, 15:13
Me it was not long here because on a camp site leaved with the girlfriend and its or her relatives. And at me all still monthly were, (and till now have not passed or have not taken place...) here I there also hid from them, that at me monthly, dirty linings in a package put or folded, together with cowards which all in a blood were. Anybody to mine also has not suspected the Blood was plentifully enough allocated... I have got a fright so.

And I here have noticed, that together with a blood at me any tissues are allocated... What is it can be???

11.02.2005, 17:53
I still to ask I want, after monthly speak, that girls do not grow any more, only centimeters 5 and all. Umenja now 154, neuzhelija I such small shall remain. And what you know ways to increase body height???

Baba Manya
16.02.2005, 17:23
Me it was not long here because on a camp site leaved with the girlfriend and its or her relatives. And at me all still monthly were, (and till now have not passed or have not taken place...) here I there also hid from them, that at me monthly, dirty linings in a package put or folded, together with cowards which all in a blood were. Anybody to mine also has not suspected the Blood was plentifully enough allocated... I have got a fright so.

And I here have noticed, that together with a blood at me any tissues are allocated... What is it can be???

Yes that you hide from the girlfriend that at you monthly? On the contrary, it is necessary to protect itself, it is more to have a rest, drink liquids. That that at you clots are allocated, normally. Usually monthly begin with pinkish vydeleny, then a bright blood, then she darkens, clots leave, and then allocation become brownish. This pleasure of 3-5 days also lasts.

Baba Manya
21.02.2005, 01:51
I still to ask I want, after monthly speak, that girls do not grow any more, only centimeters 5 and all. Umenja now 154, neuzhelija I such small shall remain. And what you know ways to increase body height???

On how much you will grow the surgeon having looked or seen on a roentgen of your legs or foots can tell or say only. Whether he to you will tell or say were closed at you a plate articulate or joint in kolenjah or not. When I in 16 years have twisted a leg or foot, to me have made a picture and have told or said that I shall not grow any more, because at me a plate somnkulis. So the surgeon instead of the gynecologist can respond to this question to you only.