Просмотр полной версии : If extremities become numb?

20.04.2005, 14:58
Something arms or hand recently become numb... Here I sit at a computer, and brushes become numb, is terrible neprjatnoe sensation! And at night sometimes I wake up from zatekanija - a pain... It means - something in an organism does not suffice? What element?

25.04.2005, 19:21
Yes something precisely does not suffice.... And except for it or this more nothing disturbs? Joints, for example, pressure...

27.04.2005, 22:16
It can nerves?

01.05.2005, 16:56
Pressure always lowered, joints crackle... What element does not suffice? It in fact sometimes occurs or happens, not always...

01.05.2005, 20:00
Pressure always lowered, joints crackle... What element does not suffice? It in fact sometimes occurs or happens, not always...

I think, that it is necessary to drink a calcium! Srochnenko. And such reaction at you because now weather varies also your pressure upon it or him reacts such here in the way. It often happens! At any jump of street pressure, you will suffer too. And joints "crackle" are a correct attribute of that it is necessary to pay attention to ossicles or bonelets and to fill with vitamins an organism! I so think!

05.05.2005, 07:33
So, I too think - weather, since now it is snowing, a blizzard directly... I am always sensitive to weather changing. And I drink a calcium right now as the bioadditive (beer yeast with a calcium, a magnesium, vit. D).. The Pancake what an agent to find that on weather to not react?

16.05.2005, 01:49
Something arms or hand recently become numb... Here I sit at a computer, and brushes become numb, is terrible neprjatnoe sensation! And at night sometimes I wake up from zatekanija - a pain... It means - something in an organism does not suffice? What element?

At me such it was constant, and 2 weeks already are not present. Descended or went to "kostopravu". He has felt the top department of a backbone - where shoulders, scapulas, a neck especially did not touch or tamper with, and at once has told or said-sedentary job behind a computer and arms or hand in a dream become numb. -has broken, and all. Vitamins there is nothing. It is necessary to hang on a horizontal bar, to float in pool, and all will be good. And if will find the masseur or kostoprava (it is better at a bath) - will pass or take place completely.

18.06.2005, 23:41
... The Pancake what an agent to find that on weather to not react?

Speak, that such agent is not present. Otherwise all meteozavisimye people already zdorovenkie would be!