Просмотр полной версии : borodavochka

04.05.2005, 18:46
HELP or ASSIST!!!! At me has jumped small borodavochka on an arm or a hand (it is similar on water), tell or say as it or her it is possible to reduce in dom.uslovijah?

I heard it somehow Acetum it is possible to make or still as?

All hope for you.

Thanks those who will respond.

18.06.2005, 01:04
In general, it is better to descend or go to the dermatologist. To me deduced or removed a wart nitrogen. It is possible to ask a corresponding or meeting medicine in a drugstore. But do not try to deduce or remove, cut out and struggle it or her with her independently. By experience I can tell or say, that she expands also roots go deep. By the way, can be will find such medicine: "Duofilm". Well helps or assists. But all the same consult with the dermatologist. It can absolutely and not a wart.