Просмотр полной версии : What with me was?

07.09.2004, 16:37
Recently simply going along the street, feeling the world around of myself, I have suddenly ceased to feel as I go on asphalt and in general looked at people and buildings around, as if from stekljanogo vacuum, but I moved as usually, only did not know that occurs or happens to me. As though in zabytie has got, chuvtvuja a bewilderment. CHesno speaking, with me it not for the first time, was about 2 years ago, therefore has learned to take itself in arms or hand, to not panic in such status. What is it? With you so was even time in a life?

06.10.2004, 03:23
Bad cerebral circulation.

28.10.2004, 09:01
Recently simply going along the street, feeling the world around of myself, I have suddenly ceased to feel as I go on asphalt and in general looked at people and buildings around, as if from stekljanogo vacuum, but I moved as usually, only did not know that occurs or happens to me. As though in zabytie has got, chuvtvuja a bewilderment. CHesno speaking, with me it not for the first time, was about 2 years ago, therefore has learned to take itself in arms or hand, to not panic in such status. What is it? With you so was even time in a life?

At me was such when worked much. I am the chamber, and in a head - vacuum and everything, that occurs or happens so dalekooo-. Also I think, as though it or her, darling and dear or expensive, not kljuknut about asphalt. It is necessary to have a rest and get enough sleep.

03.11.2004, 23:11
And it is possible to learn or find out more in detail about a bad cerebral circulation? If know. Simply searched in an Internet and anything plainly has not understood, like to me, like is not present. And in general, if business in a cerebral circulation from what so arises? I shall not tell or say that I work much, and there can be it from stresses? In general can so with me happens, when it is a lot of people around. Or suddenly elektrichestvo vanishes and suddenly there comes darkness.

Baba Manya
22.11.2004, 09:55
Oxygen does not suffice. Smerjajte pressure. Check up a hemoglobin.

08.12.2004, 13:38
Oxygen does not suffice. Smerjajte pressure. Check up a hemoglobin.

I too at once about pressure have thought.

17.01.2005, 03:38
Can, it dezhavju? That is there are people who are afraid of this status and at them the head as though "floats"

18.01.2005, 16:13
At me such was some times. And more to your status at me very strongly eyes were ill (is direct slezitsja even steel). I do not know what is it such, but friends spoke me, that there can be a pressure. It at me basically lowered constantly. And here there can be a jump was. The same can at you? DeLux and what to do or make if the cerebral circulation is broken or disturbed? It is serious in general?

15.06.2005, 14:49
Girls, with such questions it is necessary -quickly to the neuropathologist and to terapeutu. Instead of on a forum.

To build in absentia guesses and diagnoses-employment or -occupations ungrateful or thankless and not professional.

And the status such can be caused or cause by ten reasons. It is necessary to approach or suit seriously to a question and to be surveyed!