Просмотр полной версии : Last a laparoscopy - share experience!

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19.01.2005, 16:51
All greetings and with the last and coming holidays!


Share, please, experience who did or made a laparoscopy.

At me it is planned in January in occasion of cysts of ovaries and uncertainty awfully frightens.

All interests:

- As prepares for operation (that it is necessary/is possible to take in hospital from things - experience such is not present, therefore at all do not represent),

- What med.protsedury do or make before operation in hospital,

- How long hold in hospital and on how much in general give the sick-list,

- Whether it is very sick after operation and when it is possible to rise, etc.

I shall be very grateful for any information.

23.01.2005, 06:22
Come to planrujushchim there is such temka

24.01.2005, 19:04
http: // forum.nedug.ru/viewtopic.php? t=65137

http: // forum.nedug.ru/viewtopic.php? t=65138

Here all is

27.01.2005, 19:34
To me did or made the truth at me was serroznyj a peritonitis! Did or made in the emergency order - a gastric lavage, a medicine enter into a vein, under the general or common narcosis. Laid in reanimation about 2 weeks, accordingly did not rise.

About your case I can tell or say, t. To. Operation scheduled all will pass or take place much easier and easier! At the girlfriend was - under a local narcosis, too nothing felt, to rise force in 12 hours after operation!

Well, in hospital it is necessary to take things which to you slippers, a towel, agents of hygiene are necessary, for example, a dressing gown! Think and be prepared!

The aunt
31.01.2005, 17:58
All greetings and with the last and coming holidays!


Share, please, experience who did or made a laparoscopy.

At me it is planned in January in occasion of cysts of ovaries and uncertainty awfully frightens.

All interests:

- As prepares for operation (that it is necessary/is possible to take in hospital from things - experience such is not present, therefore at all do not represent),

- What med.protsedury do or make before operation in hospital,

- How long hold in hospital and on how much in general give the sick-list,

- Whether it is very sick after operation and when it is possible to rise, etc.

I shall be very grateful for any information.

To me did or made, but then I laid in hospital. It is done or made under local narokzom. There was one surgeon and one nurse. As well as all procedures she certainly not from pleasant. On all about all all it is has left or is cunning mines 20 .delaetsja on a stomach or belly it is small. The cut or section also is entered a probe as a gastroscopy, and the doctor looks there that what he knows to one. Pains not bylo.ostalsja tiny shovchik.vstavat have resolved in 3 hours.

02.02.2005, 07:29
The aunt to be stunned, I thought, it prikol about a local narcosis. Mlja, and here to Germans, even tonsils under a narcosis delete also a teeth too. Well, you well done Respekt!

The aunt
05.02.2005, 17:14
The aunt to be stunned, I thought, it prikol about a local narcosis. Mlja, and here to Germans, even tonsils under a narcosis delete also a teeth too. Well, you well done Respekt!

Yes what there prikol, has forgotten one detalku - before doing or making this chicken-feed, to me have stuck kakojto a "soft drug ", and can also strong, have more shortly brought me in operational, the doctor tea has gone to drink and I lay on a trolley on figs to that not necessary, WHETHER and here I was broken through also by me began to sing in all voice WANT or WISH RUSSIAN WAR, have run together all who was series and neighed up to tears. Here it was prikol. And in general are afraid it is not necessary, not so it and is terrible

Lena, simply Lena
08.02.2005, 13:25
All greetings and with the last and coming holidays!


Share, please, experience who did or made a laparoscopy.

At me it is planned in January in occasion of cysts of ovaries and uncertainty awfully frightens.

All interests:

- As prepares for operation (that it is necessary/is possible to take in hospital from things - experience such is not present, therefore at all do not represent),

- What med.protsedury do or make before operation in hospital,

- How long hold in hospital and on how much in general give the sick-list,

- Whether it is very sick after operation and when it is possible to rise, etc.

I shall be very grateful for any information.

Mari_Mari: And it is possible for you a counter question: where you plan to be operated? At me too a cyst and solderings and I too am going to, but is yet ready (it is necessary to cure a ureaplasma).

As I was spoken by the surgeon: before operation it is necessary to receive results of all analyses (there the list give) and consultation flebologa, with itself to take antivaricose kolgoty.

Operation passes or takes place under the GENERAL or COMMON narcosis. That the aunt wrote about mestnyj-it from area of a fantasy, IMHO, or it was not operative lapara, and inspection is simple! From hospital let out or release though for the third day (if good state of health), but the sick-list give for 2 weeks. Then run any hormonal courses, antiinflammatory, etc. to Me genikolog spoke, that treatment after lapary can this all lasts on half a year But most likely individually.

Mari! Share infoj as at all of you will pass or take place! I wish good luck!

10.02.2005, 07:26
To me did or made such operation on first aid as there was a suspicion on extrauterine, and with it or this to pull it is impossible (though in chamber girls and with a cyst laid! Only directly ahead of operation the cardiogram of heart (I simply was in a hysterics and heart jumped out)! Even pricked restful! The doctor has then told or said, what is it there was a big risk to do or make operation at such palpitation! Did or made under the general or common narcosises! Has left in itself in a second after have entered a narcosis! It Is done or made three small cuts or sections (two ovaries and one in a belly-button)! At me after operation has passed or has taken place year - traces of cuts or sections I find with greater or big work! In hospital has stayed days 6-7! Then was on the sick-list week! In 12 hours after operation (only has come to the senses) have told or said already to descend or go in a toilet! Pains almost were not! This not that pain which it is necessary to be afraid! Well for example, as after a sports hall muscles hurt! There in fact during operation you will inflate or distende with air - here and lungs, muscles of a stomach or belly and a thorax hurt then! With itself take better a dressing gown (and it is better not with a girdle, and on the latch or buttons), instead of a sports suit as on a belly-button boljuchy and elastic or any girdle will stir or prevent and rub a seam! Seams have removed or have taken off somewhere in 5-6 days! Too it is not sick! After operation of 3 more months drank hormones for restoration of a cycle! Have forbidden to take a bath, to go to a bath and a sun deck in current of 2 months! That's all! Success! It is not terrible! Recover!

The aunt
13.02.2005, 21:02
All greetings and with the last and coming holidays!


Share, please, experience who did or made a laparoscopy.

At me it is planned in January in occasion of cysts of ovaries and uncertainty awfully frightens.

All interests:

- As prepares for operation (that it is necessary/is possible to take in hospital from things - experience such is not present, therefore at all do not represent),

- What med.protsedury do or make before operation in hospital,

- How long hold in hospital and on how much in general give the sick-list,

- Whether it is very sick after operation and when it is possible to rise, etc.

I shall be very grateful for any information.

Mari_Mari: And it is possible for you a counter question: where you plan to be operated? At me too a cyst and solderings and I too am going to, but is yet ready (it is necessary to cure a ureaplasma).

As I was spoken by the surgeon: before operation it is necessary to receive results of all analyses (there the list give) and consultation flebologa, with itself to take antivaricose kolgoty.

Operation passes or takes place under the GENERAL or COMMON narcosis. That the aunt wrote about mestnyj-it from area of a fantasy, IMHO, or it was not operative lapara, and inspection is simple! From hospital let out or release though for the third day (if good state of health), but the sick-list give for 2 weeks. Then run any hormonal courses, antiinflammatory, etc. to Me genikolog spoke, that treatment after lapary can this all lasts on half a year But most likely individually.

Mari! Share infoj as at all of you will pass or take place! I wish good luck!

What fantasy, all was as I wrote. If not a secret where to you did or made a paw and when? In two hours the doctor has come and has forced to rise and go. And then all individually. Doctors speak, that the general or common narcosis is harmful. To me after a paw in 3 days did or made strip operation, can on it or this have made under local. Before each operation do or make analyses everyones, including the cardiogram .opjat I wish to tell or say, that at all all a different organism and approach or suit to all individulno. To the AUTHOR of a question I wanted skazat.chto that terrible and awful in a paw is not present. Under places. Plank beds. And plus pumping of air during operation, yes it is not pleasant. Also hurted or was ill;was sick then and to go it was sick, though also a cut small. After stomotologa too the jaw hurts

Lena, simply Lena
15.02.2005, 07:39
The aunt! And where to you did or made? You have strongly surprised me a local narcosis!!!

16.02.2005, 09:27
The aunt! And where to you did or made? You have strongly surprised me a local narcosis!!!

All depends on a concrete situation, the diagnosis, instead of from that where did or made!

The visitor
20.02.2005, 23:13
Girls, all thanks huge for stories and support.

The answer to Lena, simply Lena:

As I am flied or treated on paid med.strahovke the insurance company for me have chosen hospital - me have directed in KDK 1 GU the National Medicochirurgical Center to them. Pirogova (on Ivankovskom sh., 3). Like responses in the Internet good.

I already was there on consultation in December, but date of operation is not appointed or nominated yet - yet all my analyses are ready because of holidays, and them have appointed or nominated the whole heap.

But about consultation flebologa and antivaricose kolgoty I hear for the first time - not so I understand - what communication or connection of a laparoscopy and veins?

I shall necessarily share, as at me all will pass or take place... More soon - to wait and worry it is already tired.

23.02.2005, 10:56
It is strange, why my previous report has turned out from "Visitor".

It I - Mari_ Mari

Lena, simply Lena
24.02.2005, 00:31
Girls, all thanks huge for stories and support.

The answer to Lena, simply Lena:

As I am flied or treated on paid med.strahovke the insurance company for me have chosen hospital - me have directed in KDK 1 GU the National Medicochirurgical Center to them. Pirogova (on Ivankovskom sh., 3).

I shall necessarily share, as at me all will pass or take place... More soon - to wait and worry it is already tired.

Mari! I too not slno understand communication or connection, but about antivaricose kolgoty at this forum read. And the surgeon has confirmed.

And about consultation flebologa-it or she should be passed or taken place in the same center at additional expense. Probably, it is additional earnings spetsov simply. There vashche medtsentr terribly dear or expensive, therefore now I search that more cheaply and better. The main thing, nevertheless, that the surgeon has got skilful and the anaesthesiologist.

And analyses there really I booze appoint or nominate, and, a part from them urgent, i.e. results are valid within 5 days.

By the way, and to you have appointed or nominated to hand over PTSR on an infection before laparoj?

27.02.2005, 22:23
Girls, all thanks huge for stories and support.

The answer to Lena, simply Lena:

As I am flied or treated on paid med.strahovke the insurance company for me have chosen hospital - me have directed in KDK 1 GU the National Medicochirurgical Center to them. Pirogova (on Ivankovskom sh., 3).

I shall necessarily share, as at me all will pass or take place... More soon - to wait and worry it is already tired.

Mari! I too not slno understand communication or connection, but about antivaricose kolgoty at this forum read. And the surgeon has confirmed.

And about consultation flebologa-it or she should be passed or taken place in the same center at additional expense. Probably, it is additional earnings spetsov simply. There vashche medtsentr terribly dear or expensive, therefore now I search that more cheaply and better. The main thing, nevertheless, that the surgeon has got skilful and the anaesthesiologist.

And analyses there really I booze appoint or nominate, and, a part from them urgent, i.e. results are valid within 5 days.

By the way, and to you have appointed or nominated to hand over PTSR on an infection before laparoj?


Yes, it absolutely agree - " the Main thing, nevertheless, that the surgeon has got skilful and the anaesthesiologist. "

At me in general very strange situation has developed - my attending physician in poliklinnike advises to do or make operation at the certain surgeon (and he as it was found out works in this hospital where I am going to), and the insurance company refuses to direct or refer me to this concrete doctor. Their argument - I as the patient I can not choose to myself the operating surgeon... And they at them there all good

About "promptness" of analyses you have upset me - anybody about it did not speak me - and I handed over all of them in the extremity or end of December, and operation is planned in a week somewhere. Good, can will pass or take place....

And what such PTSR on an infection??

I shall result or bring just in case that to me naznali to make:

1. Group of a blood, a rhesus the factor

2. RW, HBs, HCV (it seems on a hepatitis), a HIV

3. The clinical analysis of a blood

4. Koauglogramma

5. The biochemical analysis of a blood

6. The general or common analysis wet

7. US of organs mal.taza

8. A smear on flora

9. A colposcopy

10. An aspiration biopsy

11. Onkomarker -125

12. RG a thorax


14. Consultation of the therapist

Lena, simply Lena
01.03.2005, 10:15
Mari! It is very strange, that insurance commands to what surgeon to you to go... Try to get nevertheless to what the doctor recommends.

AO-IT DNA the analysis on any sexual infections.

It was interesting to me, whether will demand it or him without fail.

To me a colposcopy did not appoint or nominate, and but what for fljurografiju (it not yours .12?) ordered to make and result or bring with itself the donor of a blood

And it that:


And a biopsy already did or made? I thought, what is it after lapary will do or make...

At you what cyst, by the way?

The aunt
04.03.2005, 12:23
The aunt! And where to you did or made? You have strongly surprised me a local narcosis!!!

If you from Moscow probably know that onkotsentr on kashirke. It was in 83. And more. If read second my report. I wrote that. That before getting in operational to me have made a nyxis, with the maintenance or contents of a narcotic, likely for "otkljuchki" .mozhet therefore all was under a local narcosis. In the same place there was also an operation well and certainly under the general or common narcosis I have made there a heap of analyses so to me after all the paw under mesnym was as a trifle.

09.03.2005, 03:06
Mari! It is very strange, that insurance commands to what surgeon to you to go... Try to get nevertheless to what the doctor recommends.

AO-IT DNA the analysis on any sexual infections.

It was interesting to me, whether will demand it or him without fail.

To me a colposcopy did not appoint or nominate, and but what for fljurografiju (it not yours .12?) ordered to make and result or bring with itself the donor of a blood

And it that:


And a biopsy already did or made? I thought, what is it after lapary will do or make...

At you what cyst, by the way?

Good morning!

Lena, has rummaged in the papers - has found, that I handed over analyses PTSR (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureplasma, CMV) even in the first visit to the doctor - thanks God - all is negative. Now, among obligatory analyses for lapary them any more have not appointed or nominated.

Then (as I have then learned or have then found out to me have made also a colposcopy) - probably because how much years were erosion sh.m back.

And a roentgen of a thorax and fljurografija probably one and too probably.

Koauglogramma is a blood took from a vein and from a finger - check on coagulability as I have understood.

Biopsy already did or made, but results are not present while - terribly boljuchaja by the way procedure

Lena, simply Lena
14.03.2005, 00:46

Vidat, Koauglogramma to you has replaced consultation flebologa

And a biopsy of that did or made? (I a biopsy, seem with a histology have mixed!)...

19.03.2005, 07:35

Vidat, Koauglogramma to you has replaced consultation flebologa

And a biopsy of that did or made? (I a biopsy, seem with a histology have mixed!)...


It is a shame to tell or say, what even precisely I do not know - a biopsy of that to me did or made - whether uteruses, whether shejki uteruses. But very unpleasant procedure. The truth the doctor spoke, what is it because I did not give birth or travail also to all there still small - narrow.

By the way, who knows precisely what analyses appointed or nominated before a laparoscopy have limited "period of validity"?? And what he - this term? And whether it will be possible dosdat (for example a blood) already in hospital before operation?

21.03.2005, 12:37
I before operation handed over only the general or common smear and a blood on a HIV and a lues, they it seems and have the limited validity, it is no more month if I am not mistaken

And more advice or council (already slipped here) - necessarily take with itself or antitsiljulitnye kolgoty or elastic rollers (2 pieces), have not warned me and did or made without them, accident has not occured or happened, but all the same malenkih reticulums on legs or foots for 3 months after operation became much more

Lena, simply Lena
23.03.2005, 22:32
And still I have forgotten what to tell or say here: to me the surgeon recommended to do or make laparu in first half of cycle. It is desirable right after krit. Days.

And about term of analyses learn or find out from the doctor better. Can at them in razyh hospitals different terms. Vetta speaks, that the blood month is stored or kept, and to me spoke, that week...

Guest And
28.03.2005, 23:50
Me too have directed on a laparoscopy for excision of an oothecoma and a section of possible or probable solderings which will be on February, 6th, it is written already down on operation.

Who can answer a question, what is the time then it is necessary to protect and impossible beremenit?

And more, at a laparoscopy in parallel do or make a hysteroscopy, what is it?

01.04.2005, 11:43
Me too have directed on a laparoscopy for excision of an oothecoma and a section of possible or probable solderings which will be on February, 6th, it is written already down on operation.

Who can answer a question, what is the time then it is necessary to protect and impossible beremenit?

And more, at a laparoscopy in parallel do or make a hysteroscopy, what is it?

Often laparu do or make that the woman at once has become pregnant, as the most optimum for pregnancy the first 3 months and before half a year usually are considered

My doctor me has asked to wait even the first 3-4 days after an extract since at me in hospital the new cycle has begun and all burned