Просмотр полной версии : Oral candidiasis! Help or assist!!!

15.11.2004, 12:51
Girls if at whom that was such negative experience, prompt how to cure this rubbish? First have found a candidiasis vaginalnyj. Naturally, it was checked up then and on all the others ipp, have found nothing. And here now, except for vaginalnogo also oral it was showed!

Burden brekety, it can also has still affected or influenced?

What to do or make??? How to treat???

08.12.2004, 10:08
Try or Taste gel Daktarin, it is just intended for such cases.

Lena, simply Lena
16.12.2004, 01:57
And what at itself signs? Whether slime in district of tonsils?

On the basis of what to you such diagnosis have put?

04.01.2005, 02:49
And what at itself signs? Whether slime in district of tonsils?

On the basis of what to you such diagnosis have put?

I have put the diagnosis to myself and I feel, that I am not mistaken.

Signs such: I wake up, and in a mouth such albesent small lumps in the morning, And here on a place where mucous constantly rubs about breketovuju an arch has appeared as though treshchinka with white edges or territories, hurts mlin. Horror!!!

The visitor
07.01.2005, 03:09
Only to the good doctor and only complex treatment. That is a local gargle for a mouth, vaginalnye suppositories (if there not up to the extremity or end has passed or has taken place), in parallel to drink tablets from mushrooms and then at once to begin a long course of restoration of flora and immunity. Otherwise only time and money in vain will spend, kandidy at you have lodged and and will get out in different places.

The visitor
11.06.2005, 16:27

On two capsules once a day (after meal), three days. On all course of 6 capsules.

Will cure at the same time and oral and vaginalnyj candidiases.

If only I was not late with advice or council.

I the doctor dermatovenerolog so can not worry in occasion of purposes or appointments.
