Просмотр полной версии : Question to the woman-doctor

The suslik
02.12.2004, 08:09
Thanks for the answer, but I would like to ask again..... And in your opinion, to not wear lifchik it is not harmful to a breast? And how about the form? Speak, that the skin is stretched or dragged out also a breast will droop up to a navel....... Or not?............. That is it turns out, nenoshenie lifchika does not influence negatively a breast (in sense of health)? In advance thanks

The woman-doctor
10.06.2005, 21:48
I consider or count, that by way of health not wearing of a bra is not harmful, and on the contrary.

By way of the form is individually and depends from very much: the size, an elastance of a skin, a load, etc.