Просмотр полной версии : Vaccine against a flu

10.11.2004, 08:37
All of kind morning!

Have suggested to inoculate at job against a flu. Opinions were so divided or ed so undresswere, what well it is difficult to understand or bad??

It disturbs me, I am inclined to frequent colds, and to hurt or be ill;be sick, understand, nobody wants, yes especially a flu, moreover and with its or his consequences

Here also there was a question what to do or make?

It would not be desirable to prick and be ill, but also then too it would not be desirable

26.11.2004, 22:50
I do not concern to them in any way! You Will take root from one strain, and in the country another will appear suddenly.

And in general I have found for myself a perfect way out. Since at me greater or big problems with immunity and I suffice all flus which is, I began to buy drops in a nose "Grippoferon" super a thing - I for last year never was ill, even when went on session where around of me influenzal odnokursnichki dohali as dogs. Also more increasing or more and more in I wash the party or side

18.12.2004, 21:41
I have voted pro.

I took root or was inoculated 3 years (too at job) and never was ill with a flu (fie, fie).

But any more I shall not be - 4 times are not recommended successively by doctors.

09.01.2005, 20:05
I against bacterination also am solidary with Kakashkoj.

It is better to lift immunity. And from all viruses not privyoshsja, especially the flu very quickly mutates. And if immunity strong also nails you will digest

The otolaryngologist
25.01.2005, 21:21
I take root or am inoculated itself and I impart or inoculate all family " " three years on end. Nobody was ill...

04.03.2005, 19:15
In time while I thought, communicated with doctors, looked on dibaty in a department... vobshchem has deduced or removed precisely one variant:

Precisely clearly, what what virus in it or this to year hardly will predict or forecast?

And to start in itself(himself) a virus of the last year that this was with smaller consequences as that not hochetsja

All thanks who voted and wrote


08.06.2005, 02:43
I take root or am inoculated necessarily. Did not hurt or be ill;be sick never the last winter. Despite of specificity of job