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21.02.2005, 11:57
I do not know there was such subject or not, but has not found...

I drink Logest.... How whom he influences????

22.02.2005, 11:51
I had a full absence of desire to be engaged in sex, I have passed on novinet, and all is excellent or different

23.02.2005, 10:07
And how influence OK a figure???

Desires it is nonsense.... The man try!! And all

23.02.2005, 18:20
And how influence OK a figure???

Desires it is nonsense.... The man try!! And all

Depends from accepting. Speak, that the cellulitis increases or is enlarged, the prothrombin can raise or increase, varices projavitsja and everyone such. By eye anything to predict or forecast it is impossible.

25.02.2005, 07:30
Here not nonsense! Sensations different, starajsja-?N?OaOa! So this circumstance just killed me. But I have not grown stout, kg 1,5 - 2 have dumped or reset, but have put, apparently, not in tablets

27.02.2005, 01:36
Here not nonsense! Sensations different, starajsja-?N?OaOa! So this circumstance just killed me. But I have not grown stout, kg 1,5 - 2 have dumped or reset, but have put, apparently, not in tablets

Pancake, at me the same situation - I accept Logest since September of that year. The desire indeed, beats off almost at all

Here also I think, whether business in me, whether in that.........

And that that another I am afraid to begin, therefore as logest, all the same, contains minimal -in hormones. In Novinete, for example, already it is more than them......

Probably it is necessary to search for the doctor for consultation..... In-about-about-about-about-O.....

At me from logesta became pojavljatsja a cellulitis (before in general nothing was), but the weight has remained former......

27.02.2005, 05:52
And I here che that shall not notice that at me... Has recovered but for last month... Before it was normal... All taki I think to guzzle became more... The cellulitis and earlier was... But now in sports has properly borrowed or occupied 2 weeks every day has dumped or reset.... A figure such to what would like almost.. I shall continue further...

But I look news protivozachatija... mlin... Anything on so much convenient is not present (((

From Farmateksa (tablets priaralnyh) flew

The cream - completely in a cream to be che that not hottsa....

Capsules... So them there in tons to push it is necessary... Too not kolbasit... To tie up it or him more shortly? He has offered but it is a pity che that to me it or him

To itself a -string to draw... figova... Not hottsa operations..

More shortly... I am upset... Other agents are not present also all somehow figova influence a body or health

Read clause or article about this chicken-feed which in the mornings urine tests - I do not know... I do not believe... And suddenly all taki an organism individuaeln and by the evening that-string will change...

I for example precisely know that I PERFECTLY fly last day menstr....

Oh.. Any more there poperla...

More shortly... Boom to guzzle OK and to go in for sports... SEX is more active that the cellulitis was not

27.02.2005, 07:52
And I here che that shall not notice that at me... Has recovered but for last month... Before it was normal... All taki I think to guzzle became more... The cellulitis and earlier was... But now in sports has properly borrowed or occupied 2 weeks every day has dumped or reset.... A figure such to what would like almost.. I shall continue further...

But I look news protivozachatija... mlin... Anything on so much convenient is not present (((

From Farmateksa (tablets priaralnyh) flew

The cream - completely in a cream to be che that not hottsa....

Capsules... So them there in tons to push it is necessary... Too not kolbasit... To tie up it or him more shortly? He has offered but it is a pity che that to me it or him

To itself a -string to draw... figova... Not hottsa operations..

More shortly... I am upset... Other agents are not present also all somehow figova influence a body or health

Read clause or article about this chicken-feed which in the mornings urine tests - I do not know... I do not believe... And suddenly all taki an organism individuaeln and by the evening that-string will change...

I for example precisely know that I PERFECTLY fly last day menstr....

Oh.. Any more there poperla...

More shortly... Boom to guzzle OK and to go in for sports... SEX is more active that the cellulitis was not

To me my doctor has told or said, that all will trample........

OK detain water in an organism.....

I went in for sports earlier and I continue now and very intensively. The cellulitis began to appear in a month 3 after the beginning of reception.

And in general - at whom as......

27.02.2005, 20:45
Depends from accepting. Speak, that the cellulitis increases or is enlarged, the prothrombin can raise or increase, varices projavitsja and everyone such. By eye anything to predict or forecast it is impossible.

I accept Trikvilar. In the summary it is spoken, that coagulability of a blood can amplify, but at me she was not so so in this sense he even is useful to me.

Any changes of a figure I do not notice (I drink with breaks 3 years).

28.02.2005, 22:21
Generally it is necessary to pass or take place the analysis on the maintenance or contents of hormones in an organism, and after testing the doctor selects tablets, but it in an ideal.

02.03.2005, 20:14
Me Femoden made a sick and a set of weight, has passed on Logest - the weight was normalized, but sex is not become necessary IN GENERAL, plus awful dryness THERE, more shortly, what for to drink contraceptive if sex it is not necessary? Now I accept ZHanin, with libido that's all right, well can a little below, than without OK, but nevertheless is. Weight in norm or rate, but! If earlier at me was supersky a metabolism, ate rolls with butter or oil in tons and did not recover on gram from the 50- kg, now I should watch or keep up that I eat to be in the form of...

04.03.2005, 19:22
<img src = "images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt = " Rolling Eyes " border = "0"/>

Time the subject has appeared, who can nibud porekommenduet the doctor or clinic, where such problems how individual selection OK solve?

05.03.2005, 02:12
Time has gone such pjanka! Whether there Was at somebody an absence monthly (vydeleny) on a background of reception contraceptive? I once have got a fright so! To Me have diagnosed - a syndrome of hyperinhibition, have sent on the analysis of hormones, but up to there I was not has reached, have simply stopped to drink tablets for a while, all has returned to norm or rate. So?

06.03.2005, 13:16
And in occasion of individual selection so it now in any clinic do or make. Look or see a site www.medinkur.ru

07.03.2005, 23:34
And in occasion of individual selection so it now in any clinic do or make. Look or see a site www.medinkur.ru

Thanks for the link

And in occasion of absence monthly - was not such. But there were they absolutely not plentiful and not longly go.

09.03.2005, 12:03
Girls, and after cancelling OK the typed or collected kgs disappear, or it for ever?

11.03.2005, 19:34
Girls, and after cancelling OK the typed or collected kgs disappear, or it for ever?

I shall check up chazm.. Has thrown 2 days ago and in a month I shall begin

11.03.2005, 20:50
Time has gone such pjanka! Whether there Was at somebody an absence monthly (vydeleny) on a background of reception contraceptive? I once have got a fright so! To Me have diagnosed - a syndrome of hyperinhibition, have sent on the analysis of hormones, but up to there I was not has reached, have simply stopped to drink tablets for a while, all has returned to norm or rate. So?

Was-was, four months I drink, and here nate to you anything is not present, has spread something malenko and a moustache where they it is not clear, I too with perepugu to the doctor have run, too most have told or said. But uzi have made-any hren have found, here now to be treated it is necessary, nyxes intravenously, only two days, arms or hand already cyanotic, the nurse both of time could not get at once, and here the summer begins, and I in a jacket packed. Simply horror any, I today sat on procedure, looked on poor ruchenki and thought, how narcomaniacs all life are pricked, or at them a vein zakolennye

13.03.2005, 14:18
I drink Mersilon, 4 month, and have started to recover, thought that I eat too much, but here absolutely have almost ceased to eat, and to sense any, can is valid tablets operate or work

15.03.2005, 14:52
I drink Mersilon, 4 month, and have started to recover, thought that I eat too much, but here absolutely have almost ceased to eat, and to sense any, can is valid tablets operate or work

The same trouble.... 3 months of anything... And then has sharply recovered on 2 kg... Has started to be engaged usilenno... And zero of results... Has stopped to drink and we shall look or see...

17.03.2005, 20:06
Yes that's just the point, what to throw to me it would not be desirable, as other ways of preservation either do not like me, or do not approach or suit, and the baby does not enter into our plans yet. Perhaps, tablets to change, in addition also podtashnivaet from them.

19.03.2005, 22:56
Yes that's just the point, what to throw to me it would not be desirable, as other ways of preservation either do not like me, or do not approach or suit, and the baby does not enter into our plans yet. Perhaps, tablets to change, in addition also podtashnivaet from them.

Try or Taste logest.... Last time when its or his saw even has grown thin... Something this time... Home life was adjusted...

Spiral too not hottsa.... Though.... Already stood but it is bad so was horror...

Others too things do not like... But logest I shall precisely continue... In itself itself a little hormonal

22.03.2005, 09:27
And I have entered the name on reception to the gynecologist-endocrinologist...

Though I shall be confident a correct choice.

I descend or go - I shall necessarily write as what

23.03.2005, 07:57
Girls instead of who not provoval to Diana-35?

I it or him drank somewhere a floor of year. In advertising speak that they reduce fat content of hair and skins. At me and the truth spots were gone. Has recovered also a cellulitis it became more visible. But I do not know from what from them or from meal.

That really disturbed - a bottom of a stomach or belly very much pulled.

Has passed on Logest. Two months I accept. I do not know while normally, but it seems to me that from them all the same get fat, and when them stop to drink all the saved up or saved kgs and remain.

Whether tell or say pozhalusta you accepted these tablets? How result?

And as often it is necessary to do or make a monthly break in reception. Who speaks in three months, who in half a year. On instructions in general write, that they can be accepted as you will want. Though without interruption and not waiting at all mes... To accept a new pack.


24.03.2005, 13:30
Girls instead of who not provoval to Diana-35?

I it or him drank somewhere a floor of year. In advertising speak that they reduce fat content of hair and skins. At me and the truth spots were gone. Has recovered also a cellulitis it became more visible. But I do not know from what from them or from meal.

That really disturbed - a bottom of a stomach or belly very much pulled.

Has passed on Logest. Two months I accept. I do not know while normally, but it seems to me that from them all the same get fat, and when them stop to drink all the saved up or saved kgs and remain.

Whether tell or say pozhalusta you accepted these tablets? How result?

And as often it is necessary to do or make a monthly break in reception. Who speaks in three months, who in half a year. On instructions in general write, that they can be accepted as you will want. Though without interruption and not waiting at all mes... To accept a new pack.
