Просмотр полной версии : Vozmona pregnancy at a thrush??

05.11.2004, 13:43
How you think or know it is possible zaberemennet at a constant thrush??? What chances?

Treatment gives not long result

09.11.2004, 01:08
And why is not present?

23.11.2004, 18:30
Well to that, the thrush is acidic medium (changed Ph) in which capacity for acting of inhabitants of a semen comes to naught.

01.12.2004, 14:32
Well to that, the thrush is acidic medium (changed Ph) in which capacity for acting of inhabitants of a semen comes to naught.

If during an ejaculation a member in a vagina, a semen instantly (not all certainly, but the most part) gets in a uterus, acidic medium here at anything.

08.12.2004, 02:57
DeLux, spasbo.

Simply it would be desirable to hear not real facts (kaka on idea should be) and at whom all it has turned out not looking on any bjaki.

12.12.2004, 10:07
Generally in a uterus very small part of a semen though also it or this more than it is enough gets. The Most part remains in a vagina and then pours out.

18.12.2004, 23:02
How you think or know it is possible zaberemennet at a constant thrush??? What chances?

Treatment gives not long result

Zaberemenit that is possible, and it is necessary to you.

The thrush kills a fetus on a root

It is better to find its or her reason, suddenly at the partner something not by way of?

I too had she and not one year, and there was that at the husband a prostatitis! He has recovered also I now I do not suffer.

The woman-doctor
08.01.2005, 17:14
Iriska, it's nothing such speak?

Who to you has told or said, what the thrush kills a fetus???? It is not necessary to speak things such, esline possess sufficient knowledge or a source.. As it is possible to finish women to an infarct..

Novinkaja, do not worry you so.

With a thrush it is possible to become pregnant. Other question, that I on your place would look or see in the beginning, why she a constant such. Perhaps, there still something is.

And after that already tried to become pregnant. Only keep in mind, that the thrush will become aggravated during pregnancy.


26.01.2005, 12:23
Iriska, it's nothing such speak?

Who to you has told or said, what the thrush kills a fetus???? It is not necessary to speak things such, esline possess sufficient knowledge or a source.. As it is possible to finish women to an infarct..

Novinkaja, do not worry you so.

With a thrush it is possible to become pregnant. Other question, that I on your place would look or see in the beginning, why she a constant such. Perhaps, there still something is.

And after that already tried to become pregnant. Only keep in mind, that the thrush will become aggravated during pregnancy.


Yes not I frighten it, the gynecologist on reception spoke me. I too had a problem with a thrush and when I have asked a question: and whether I can "conceive", I have already sounded its or her answer!

Excuse, I did not think out it.

13.02.2005, 04:43
Thanks, All of you!!! The Thrush at me oooochen for a long time, handed over analyses, then, crop then and the husband doctors unanimously anything criminal checked it's OK all!! Here and we live... Here have last time taken a smear there were raised or increased leucocytes have written out suppositories Dalatsin 3. (570) Yet did not insert. The doctor speaks ahead of time to not panic here if after 6 months of attempts there will be no result then shall thoroughly study, and so the sense is not present.... And so it would be desirable to not distract on this infection.

The woman-doctor
28.02.2005, 23:21
Yes not I frighten it, the gynecologist on reception spoke me. I too had a problem with a thrush and when I have asked a question: and whether I can "conceive", I have already sounded its or her answer!

Excuse, I did not think out it.

Iriska, did not wish to offend. Simply as has thought, that all women will be assured, that the thrush kills a fetus so has presented, that, in general, anybody will not become pregnant. Since a plenty has a thrush, and at even greater she becomes aggravated during pregnancy.

I agree what to become pregnant better on a healthy background!

04.03.2005, 23:31
Yes not I frighten it, the gynecologist on reception spoke me. I too had a problem with a thrush and when I have asked a question: and whether I can "conceive", I have already sounded its or her answer!

Excuse, I did not think out it.

Iriska, did not wish to offend. Simply as has thought, that all women will be assured, that the thrush kills a fetus so has presented, that, in general, anybody will not become pregnant. Since a plenty has a thrush, and at even greater she becomes aggravated during pregnancy.

I agree what to become pregnant better on a healthy background!

By the way, the question to you-women--at me in crop on a microflora was found with the raised or increased quantity or amount of streptococcuses and is conditional-pathogenic microbes (excuse, that if is wrong) and have written out antibiotics (ofloksatsin, norbaktin and djuflazon) so at me after the first day ofloksatsina such giddiness, I could not sleep a floor of night. What to do or make? Whether it is necessary to drink further these antibiotics? Can bacteria "will pass or take place"?

The woman-doctor
10.03.2005, 10:09
Iriska, streptococcuses will not pass or not take place, unfortunately, and to clean or remove them it would be necessary. The output or exit one - to go back to the doctor, and to select other antibiotic to which bacteria are sensitive. To you did or made, I hope, sensitivity to antibiotics at crop?

05.06.2005, 03:18
Iriska, streptococcuses will not pass or not take place, unfortunately, and to clean or remove them it would be necessary. The output or exit one - to go back to the doctor, and to select other antibiotic to which bacteria are sensitive. To you did or made, I hope, sensitivity to antibiotics at crop?

Yes, sensitivity did or made
