Просмотр полной версии : What is it?

16.05.2005, 19:59
Whether can so to be?

There came my guy, we were close, on sledujshchy day has begun a cystitis (a frequent emiction, with rezju). Has started to accept 5-, polegchalo, there was only a small itch. I allergik, recently was nervous much and on nerves ate shokolod (on 200 gram in day!), has then got wet, that day by the evening and the cystitis has begun and all this has coincided with affinity with liked. I worry, to the doctor she yesterday went has told or said that's all right, protpit a course up to the extremity or end 5-, azok has not taken, I all the same am going to to go and hand over it or him.

What is it washes to be? A clamidiosis? Could it will be shown so quickly. It is Literally on a trace. Day?

The otolaryngologist
04.06.2005, 10:30
It would be quite good to hand over the analysis wet. From 5- the big sense is not present, now this preparation is become outdated or out-of-date - fastness is found out in the big number of microorganisms to it or him;them. But still prmenenjaetsja our doctors on a habit.