Просмотр полной версии : Really it is an abortion?

28.12.2004, 06:42
Help or Assist me to understand please! First I thought, that I the pregnant woman (has made 10 tests-they positive as it seemed to me). Has come to the doctor joyful, she has looked or seen me and the uterus small dense speaks, pregnancy I do not see. About the test she has told or said, that he negative (though there there is a second stria well not such bright as the first, and is more acyanotically). But as term of all was weeks three (a delay 4 days) and pregnancy for the present could not be defined or determined, she has put me on conservation in hospital because I was hurted or was ill;was sick with a stomach or belly and after survey began to go allocation of brown color. I laid in hospital, in 4 days at me the bleeding as has begun at mesjanyh. Than me is faster to the doctor. That has looked or seen me and I speak do not know the pregnant woman you or it begin monthly. Also asks me: " Let's scrape well ". I in tears, and she have told or said, that I would make urgently uzi. I run on uzi me there have looked or seen and have told or said that no pregnancy at me is present. I have come on road home and when has come into a toilet at me have fallen out komok in size with polpaltsa. It seemed to me what is it an abortion. She has come to the doctor me has written out, speaks that all at me normally and that I left home. About a clot she has told or said (though did not see it or him), is what is it normal at a delay. I have gone to do or make uzi once again (whether if it is an abortion all the same that weigh he has left). There have told or said that it's OK. Monthly go hardly more usual. At me terrible depression. I do not believe already to anybody because it seemed to me that I to the pregnant woman (in fact tests showed the second stria). And if it was an abortion, suddenly there something remains also me will clean, I am afraid awfully. What was it?

10.01.2005, 01:17
To me it seems to US - authentic enough source. Wait it is sensitive look or see how much at you monthly will go, when will end make still the test and hand over a blood... Do not worry.

The otolaryngologist
12.01.2005, 14:07
The departed clot can quite be a site mucous endometrija. US - it is far not always an authentic source if the doctor insists on a currettage it is not necessary to rest and be afraid strongly, first, if this was an abortion, the rests which have remained in a uterus of a fetal egg are undesirable, and if are available narushenieja a menstrual cycle, the currettage and a histology - a correct way to understand the reason (a hyperplasia endometrija and so forth), secondly this procedure is done or made under a short-term general or common narcosis. Tests show sometimes and false positive result. In general, at the discretion of doctor ZHK where you now, for certain, are observed.

12.02.2005, 17:12
The doctor considers or counts that no pregnancy at me existed. And whether tests for pregnancy show a positive take when actually pregnancy is not present can? He can so shows because of my hormonal disturbances, I am flied or treated 2 months from them lazeropunturoj (I do not know as it precisely is called, there something with the laser, a magnet, etc. is connected)? Whether And more can be that the abortion all has left and to clean it is not necessary, I about it or this heard something?

The otolaryngologist
12.03.2005, 17:05
Tests for pregnancy sometimes show a positive take when it or her is not present can is and there is a false positive result. Can be and so, that the fetal egg has left entirely, but to you it authentically tell or say can nobody, especially on small term. If there are indications to a currettage (an incessant bleeding and td.) it or him spend. But in any case even if he considers or counts, what pregnancy was not, somehow he or she disturbances of menstrual function explains also something recommends? Or easier or simply to be observed?

01.06.2005, 23:59
Help or Assist me to understand please! First I thought, that I the pregnant woman (has made 10 tests-they positive as it seemed to me). Has come to the doctor joyful, she has looked or seen me and the uterus small dense speaks, pregnancy I do not see. About the test she has told or said, that he negative (though there there is a second stria well not such bright as the first, and is more acyanotically). But as term of all was weeks three (a delay 4 days) and pregnancy for the present could not be defined or determined, she has put me on conservation in hospital because I was hurted or was ill;was sick with a stomach or belly and after survey began to go allocation of brown color. I laid in hospital, in 4 days at me the bleeding as has begun at mesjanyh. Than me is faster to the doctor. That has looked or seen me and I speak do not know the pregnant woman you or it begin monthly. Also asks me: " Let's scrape well ". I in tears, and she have told or said, that I would make urgently uzi. I run on uzi me there have looked or seen and have told or said that no pregnancy at me is present. I have come on road home and when has come into a toilet at me have fallen out komok in size with polpaltsa. It seemed to me what is it an abortion. She has come to the doctor me has written out, speaks that all at me normally and that I left home. About a clot she has told or said (though did not see it or him), is what is it normal at a delay. I have gone to do or make uzi once again (whether if it is an abortion all the same that weigh he has left). There have told or said that it's OK. Monthly go hardly more usual. At me terrible depression. I do not believe already to anybody because it seemed to me that I to the pregnant woman (in fact tests showed the second stria). And if it was an abortion, suddenly there something remains also me will clean, I am afraid awfully. What was it?

Calm down, at me almost everyone monthly such chicken-feed, even when I do not conduct a sexual life. First time too was frightened, that an abortion. The horse-radish knows, what is it such.