Просмотр полной версии : Problems of sterility or barrenness

19.03.2005, 22:31
It is a shame to admit, but having lived almost till 35 years has understood, that in questions of conception and sterility or barrenness a silly woman, a silly woman. I can not zaberemenit more than 2th years, I wish to begin inspection, but simply I do not know from what to begin and as this all should occur or happen. Help or assist than smozhite. In advance I thank!

The woman-doctor
03.04.2005, 15:16

For the beginning it is necessary to go to the gynecologist on consultation and survey. The gynecologist will talk to you, will find out features of your cycle and your -gynecologic anamnesis. Will look or see vulvally the sizes of a uterus and appendages. Will take smears - usual and on an infection. Then depending on results and assumptions, will advise to make US of a small basin, there can be analyses on hormones. If it is required - can be, it is necessary to check up passage of pipes.

That's all.


07.04.2005, 12:01
+ to all listed I shall add, that can start to take basal temperature. For completeness of a picture it is better to bring to the doctor the schedule for 3 months. On it or him;them it is possible to assume very much much (absence of an ovulation, any inflammations and other).

How to measure - look here:

http: // www.sikirina.tsi.ru/tempr.phtml

01.06.2005, 00:40
It is necessary to hand over analyses on female hormones. If they in norm or rate, it is already good! At me here not in norm or rate, thought what is it not important earlier, it appears problemma only in it or this!