Просмотр полной версии : Garmonalnye preparations at a menopause

19.01.2005, 20:20
Last two years at me the menopause, thus catastrophically " has raised or increased hairness of the face ".

Heard, that do or make all over again laser epilatsiju, and then accept estrogen (that slows down body height voloskov).

Here at me and a question-how much or -as far as it is safe for health (reception of estrogens) and is effective by way of an aesthetics?

09.02.2005, 20:45
The woman-doctor, Otoloringolog, you where? Has written with hope for your opinion!!!!!!

The woman-doctor
29.05.2005, 21:22

Consultation of the gynecologist-endocrinologist, instead of doctors on the Internet is necessary for you in the beginning. Since the pilosis is caused or called by change of a hormonal background any in another way you do not stop body height of hair, except for restoration of hormonal balance. For this purpose it is necessary to hand over analyses on hormones and to consult internally with the doctor.

Certainly, reception of hormones, as well as any preparations does not happen absolutely traceless, but here it is necessary to weigh, that more important and to consider or examine;survey each situation individually with the doctor.
