Просмотр полной версии : Whether I can become pregnant?

29.05.2005, 03:33
Hello! For the first time on your site! He has very much liked me and has decided to ask itself a question. To me 23 years. A cycle at me 31-35 days. In October and in November, 2004 there was 31 day, in December there were 35 days, tell or say if I had not protected contact on January, 16th, whether I could become pregnant? I live with the guy a year and usually we are protected by the interrupted sexual certificate or act, and here 16-th he has not restrained and *quot; ??o???ON*quot; has terminated in me though as it seemed to me, that half of semen has flowed out. Tell or say, please, on how much percent or interests pregnancy is probable?