Просмотр полной версии : Erosion after sorts or labors

14.10.2004, 20:39
Natalia - - ---Good afternoon! 6 months ago I have given birth. Up to pregnancy I had a small erosion, we did not touch or tamper with it or her. Now the doctor speaks, that it is necessary to cauterize. On my question, whether it is possible to manage more conservative treatment, she has left from the answer, having muttered, what is it the best way. A question such 1. I know, that it is possible to cauterize still nitrogen and the laser. Can these ways cauterization is better or the difference is not present 2. Can eat still any variants of treatment, except for these or it. The doctor has told or said, that at conservative treatment, on erosion the crust is formed, and under a crust process goes Zarane thanks!

Mesed Magomedovna
24.05.2005, 19:09
Jacob - - ---Unlike a diathermocoagulation which, probably, to you offer, cryotherapy and laserotherapy are more modern and sparing methods. Treatment by preparations of type Solkovagina - too an effective method. You can use and to it or him;them. The crust at treatment Solkovaginom disappears a scab quickly enough. Therefore under her no process can go. In practice, each doctor has a liked method of treatment of erosion shejki uteruses which he uses and recommends patients.

26.05.2005, 15:01
Alexander (gorav@mail.ru) - - ---Is conservative treatment. Erosion is siptomom disturbances of immunity and other processes in an organism. After cauterization this sore - vylichite, and then will leave sideways... Can even is worse. It is defect of any expected treatment. There is an experience and a technique of treatment. Passes or takes place from 3 days about two weeks the most serious case. Experience of two clinics in our city and several tens on the country. There was an All-Russia conference on application and the Russian preparations.

26.05.2005, 22:38
Marina - - ---Dear Alexander, specify, please, you recommend what therapy