Просмотр полной версии : Adenomyosis

24.12.2004, 10:44
To me 22 years, beremennostej, infections were not. One and a half year ago to me have made a laparoscopy (the widespread endometriosis of 2 degrees, solderings on pipes, a strong painful syndrome), have appointed or nominated Zoladeks to 6 months. During treatment Zoladeksom at me by-effects from the summary + were shown literally ALL has grown fat suddenly with 46 up to 52 sizes, there was a cardiovascular dystonia, an allergy on everything, depressions, etc. After the termination or ending of a course have diagnosed an adenomyosis, have told or said, that Zoladeks *quot; not nN?Oooa?*quot; (???!!!), Have suggested to do or make again an electrocoagulation of the centers and Buserelin or urgently to become pregnant. I have temporarily refused such treatment, month laid in other clinic, have made one million procedures and inspections from immunograms before every possible hormonal researches, as a result doctors plainly have told or said nothing, besides that serious failures in immune system - a pier, time in half a year it is necessary to pass or take place at them a monthly course of a physiotherapy, which *quot; all ?uaNO*quot;. Now pains again amplify, because of it or this hardly even to go. Under analyses all without changes and again speak, that it is urgently necessary to do or make operation and again to be poisoned or persecuted with hormones...: ((I Shall add, that was treated all time in Peter in the most dear institutions).

Tell or Say please, whether is though one woman who in a similar situation could become pregnant and give birth to the healthy child? And how much time if it is a unique output or exit, it is necessary to repeat this vicious circle operation-hormones-unsuccessful of attempt to become pregnant to understand, there will be from it or this a sense or it is necessary for something to do or make another? And whether probably on a background of an adenomyosis to apply EKO, besides, how much or as far as it will make sense?

To me actually it is very important, that you will advise!!!

Vladimir With
11.02.2005, 16:42
At treatment Zoladeksom in current of 6 months to you should appoint or nominate add-back-therapy (one of preparations for ZGT) for decrease of by-effects about 2-3 months of reception.

Probably, the real output or exit for you - carrying out EKO, is not present sense more to load an organism with repeated courses of hormonal and other preparations. But it is necessary to mean, that percent or interest beremennostej at EKO and presence of an endometriosis a little below, than, say, at the -peritoneal factor without an endometriosis.

10.05.2005, 05:34
Jacob, here that's just the point, that to me doctors after operation have amicably told or said: come in 6 months - and everything, any other preparations to accept it is not necessary, bleedings for 10 days after the first nyxis - it is normal, and in general there is nothing to worry, all and should be. Unfortunately, I already now owing to you have understood it, it was what is it wrong. But you know, we is valid with the husband now we shall go at once on EKO. At least in it we believe. Thanks for your attention!