Просмотр полной версии : Itch of external genitals. HELP or ASSIST!!!

10.09.2004, 17:32

Several days ago I had an itch in external genitals, now has begun still and a burning sensation. I do not know what's happened!!! I keep all rules of hygiene and I do not understand as there the infection could get. To me 17 years, never earlier at me such were. Pick up any illness or disease sexual by I could not. At the gynecologist was about 3 years ago first and unique time since never nothing hurted, impressions have remained UZHASNEJSHIE.

What is it can be? Advise, please as (mozhbyt any cream or ointment) it is possible to get rid of painful sensations?


06.11.2004, 20:48

Glance to the doctor internally. You are not obliged to visit or attend that cabinet or study which so has not liked you.

Also it is not necessary to connect or bind the status with the infections passed sexual by. All is much easier.

21.02.2005, 14:12
I know, that it is necessary to address urgently to the doctor, but me in fact only 17 years... Whether Prijmut me, if yes where it can be made in Kiev?

....... At me pojavil strange white lumps on shorts... I in otchajani!!!

09.03.2005, 21:10
You do not have occasion not only to despair, but also to be upset. But there is all the bases to go to the doctor. By the way, to the gynecologist visit or attend (together with mums) and 3 years or summer girls, and in 17 years come together with mum 15 - 20 % of girls, are a little in my practice who comes with daddies.

Address you can in any honey the center in Kiev where there is a unit of gynecology, and at least, in a capital hailstones there is a center of obstetrics and gynecology - if for you it is the most comprehensible output or exit.

20.04.2005, 13:33
Huge to you thanks that have encouraged me! After your answer, I already was going to to the doctor, but at me have begun monthly, after them there are no signs. But I all have peerly decided to not risk. In fact it is better to overcome the pavor now what then to be mum.

If it is fair, I till last moment believed, that with me such there can not be and what is it no mistake or error.

The doctor, having looked or seen through something, small erosion shejki uteruses has told or said that at me. Tell or say, please, AS IT COULD HAPPEN??? And how much or as far as it is terrible?

But she has told or said, that my signs have no to erosion of the attitude or relation and that it is necessary to search for an infection. Today after results of a smear she has told or said, that there the big inflammation... At me a thrush...................

... And more there have found any bacteria which are coming to an end on-cooks. Has told or said, that it is necessary to do or make vakposev (if I was not mistaken in the name) and then mozhbyt and DNA.

Tell, please, what is it such?

How it could happen?

... Though you also do not advise, but I in otchajani. I do not know, that to me to do or make, I never thought, that such can be. And such impressions, that I am absolute one in this world.

29.04.2005, 17:44
Is not present any kriminala if erosion shejki uteruses is found out: at young women is one of the most frequent situations, - a principle, it is possible to draw an analogy with a scratch. Also it is treated successfully. Erosion often accompanies with inflammatory diseases or a candidiasis. To you, obviously, the doctor recommends antibacterial therapy and mikostatiki.

Crop of flora and definition of sensitivity to antibiotics - will help or assist to choose the most effective preparation for your treatment. DNA-diagnostics is required in case it is necessary to add the previous research. The occasion for otchajanja at you is not present, - such zadachki easily are solved. Operate or work!

03.05.2005, 03:58
It is convinced, that my advice or council - reinsurance, and results of the analysis will be normal, but if to you investigate or research Saccharum of a blood, will not be worse.

07.05.2005, 04:02
Thanks for the answer! Why you advise it? You have in view of Diabetum?...???

I thought, that illnesses or diseases before to lodge in us earlier, look in the passport and look at a year of a birth. If the person young, they leave... Unfortunately, it not so...

Thanks still time, I shall try to make this analysis, you are right, will not be worse.

From city N
07.05.2005, 13:03
Many thanks for the answer!

To me very much hochetsja to operate or work and forget about it or this somewhat quicker. But... The matter is that meditsynsky the center (*quot; ya??*quot;, in Kiev) in which I have addressed, private or individual, in the state clinic to me to tell the truth to go not hochetsja. But, I am afraid, that I will not have not enough money for inspections and treatment. Therefore it is necessary to address to parents. And they at me very conservative and strict if I shall tell or say, that at me SUCH problems, me will tell or say, that I would be cleaned or removed, to from whom has caught. I very much am afraid, that they razocharujutsja in me when learn or find out, that I have a guy and that our attitudes or relations send or have come so far.

But the guy insists, that I would tell to parents, and they have helped or assisted me, in fact mum has a checked up gynecologist who will not mix casually diagnoses and not *quot; ?a?N??O*quot; to me still any illness or disease. And this center Chance, though there and good (as it seemed to me) the doctor, all strange. It nazyvaetsja *quot; tovaristvo z obmezhenoju o_no_na?y?_?O?*quot; (I do not know as in Russian) and there only about 10 cabinets or studies and as much doctors. Whether it is normal? Whether it is possible to trust such centers?

Please, advise how to be?

And more a question: whether I very much worry there are no these infections at my guy. Both of time when we made love, were prezirvativ, up to it or him at me nobody was. It or he does not have any signs, but I am afraid for it or him, in fact at men it can pass or take place bezsimptomno...?

09.05.2005, 10:30
In Russian it will be the Society with limited liability. I do not know, how in Ukraine, and in Russia to begin practice by private or individual order it is necessary to have the legal face. If something seems to you strange, ask the license, to you are obliged to show it or her. If to licenses it is written *quot; rendering of a medical care in the field of out-patient u??N?u??*quot;, etc., then it's OK. The kind of activity should be specified extremely clearly.

One more. If I have correctly understood, your parents not in a course, that you have promptly matured. In it or this there is a mass of minuses. One of them - to you could not be asked advice or council without threat for a self-rating. Therefore I wish to recommend separately - find to myself the adviser concerning family and marriage or spoilage. Can be in your city there is a teenage gynecologist, learn or find out. Such experts are always very loyal to girls who come behind advice or council. You can be guided is better in that new, that occurs or happens to you. Probably, become quieter. Besides will pick up a method of contraception.

Success to you!

09.05.2005, 10:39

Thanks for advice or councils about the license! To tell the truth problems with semyoj at me such are not present what to address to the adviser. Simply parents vrjadle will understand me in this situation, and except for as to them, to me any more to itself to go.

To you too success!

09.05.2005, 11:11

Inspection on an infection should be passed or taken place and to your partner. Your history standard enough so after the termination or ending of a menses - surrender to the doctor together with the partner. There will be doubts - ask, we shall help or assist.

09.05.2005, 11:17
Hello still time! I all have dared to address to mum, and she has allocated or removed me to the gynecologist which something has felt and has told or said, that all organs are healthy, has taken a smear, but has told or said, that somnevaetsja, that there something is. By results of the analysis at me a thrush, she has told or said, that there all some leucocytes (I do not know what is it means), has appointed or nominated suppositories Mikozhinaks, has told or said to undergo treatment 12 days. How it could turn out, what the first doctor has told or said, what at me the big inflammatory process, and what there there is still something except for thrushes (-cooks), and another has told or said, what anything, except for a small thrush is not present??? There Should be someone was mistaken? How in this situation to act? The second also has not told or said about erosion, but she, in my opinion, did not look through something such, through what the first looked... But in fact she (erosion) at me is! Means it is impossible it or her simply so to leave?..

Tell or Say, please, as you concern to this preparation? On how much I have understood, he contains antibiotics, whether they can negatively affect or influence?

And more such question: in fact if the hymen is not broken or disturbed, the gynecologist does not look? Or can look? And whether can appoint or nominate to girls suppositories? (whether simply I wish to know mum that I has understood....)

Huge to you thanks for support and for all!

09.05.2005, 12:05

These-coccuses most likely representatives of a normal microflora.

Whether that vyjanit there is something except for a thrush of a simple smear insufficiently. The majority of infections come to light or are taped only by special analyses. Treat a thrush. These suppositories contain an antimicotic preparation which will kill this thrush, and negatively hardly will affect or influence.

Erosion is such piece, which can to appear that independently to pass or take place. Treat only it is long not healing or extensive erosion. Basically it or her it is visible and at usual survey, by means of kolposka (probably the previous doctor to you it or him looked) she is visible in augmentation.

Suppositories to girls to appoint or nominate it is possible (as well as to use wads), but the gynecologist looks them not through a vagina, and through a rectum.

09.05.2005, 12:06

Yesterday I have started to use these or it vaginalnymi tablets but when she was dissolved, very much baked! And in the morning when has risen, a plenty vydelej, with a yellow shade (as well as color of a tablet). Such impression, that she rasstvorilas, and in the morning all has simply returned back... It is normal reaction?

09.05.2005, 12:39
Allocation is the candle was simply dissolved. Do not experience!

09.05.2005, 13:13
I have already passed or have already taken place course of treatment Mikozhinaksom (12 days). But now, in some days at me the awful burning sensation has begun at an emiction... And me even kazhetsja, that there any treshchinka because at hit of water and soap very much hurts!!! What again such?...: (....

The traveller
09.05.2005, 13:51
I have already passed or have already taken place course of treatment Mikozhinaksom (12 days). But now, in some days at me the awful burning sensation has begun at an emiction... And me even kazhetsja, that there any treshchinka because at hit of water and soap very much hurts!!! What again such?...: (....

Repeated visit to the gynecologist.

09.05.2005, 13:52
Dear brught, you excuse me for sharpness, but cease to take people for a ride!

You want *quot; and to ours and oa???*quot; - and sexual zhizju live, but deny an infection, and to doctors go, but then ask a forum to treat their conclusion.

Write all as is, that where and when.

In prevyh, it is impossible to exclude an infection, despite of a condom, you do not know, for certain, as it or him correctly to use and how you used it or him?

The second - operelites with doctors. Understand, that words *quot; small ?????a*quot; first of all speak about qualification of the doctor. It as *quot; small iNON?N???Oy*quot;. The thrush, for the beginning, it also is the disease caused or called by series of a fungic or fungal infection candida.

As well as why she there has got:

Is an and sexual life

Is and external a becoming infected (that is rare enough, but, can you rolled on rotted hay, for example)

Is can be and a response on garmonalnye jumps of a female organism (natural)

- And disbalans florae of a vagina as a result of what reception or preparations or contraceptives

- At last the most important, the secondary infection accompanying primary disease, whether it be errozija, or other zpp.

The resume:

1. Write, that doctors by results of analyses have told or said, and it is better - write analyses (what exactly for *quot; ?*quot; - gonokoki, or stafilokoki, kriptokoki their heap, practically all flora is *quot; ?*quot;!)

Also understand, that if you in serez are interested in the health it is necessary and to give sootv. Attention and to visit or attend sootv. Doctors. I am assured or confident, that in with- there are qualified gynecologists, instead of *quot; doctors from ???????*quot;.

2. Be defined or determined - whether want posveshchat roitelej. For the beginning understand, what is it the MOST people close to you, the guy - nonsense, he to you anybody actually. Besides parents have nesravneno greater everyday experience.

3. Be defined or determined with qualification of the doctor, to be treated at all successively - business not grateful. And more, I shall repeat, that *quot; ?????a*quot;, it is very possibly secondary, it is necessary (well) to search for the reason of its or her occurrence for it is simple *quot; ?a?N??o*quot; signs, you will return it or her in couple of months-three.

4. In occasion of a tablet - a burning sensation. Yes, such describe, but it is not so normal. *quot; ?????a*quot; honey does not demand urgent. The help (it not triponema;). Therefore it is better to ask to pick up to you more suitable medikamendoznyj a course.

The check chance!

ZY kasaemo infections of your guy - yes, certainly, they can be, if he up to you had sexual communications or connections and yes, at men some infections proceed asymptomatically.

ZYZY this or thus my deep imho:)