Просмотр полной версии : Endometriosis

22.10.2004, 11:48
Hello! To me 32, 4 years am on inspection in occasion of sterility or barrenness. One year ago the laparoscopy, : an endometriosis 2-3 items Endometroidnaja a cyst of the right ovary has been spent. An endometriosis of a body of the womb. Pipes are freely passed or taken freely place;freely passable, fimbrias are expressed. Solderings are not present.

At the husband spermogramma in norm or rate, and assay SHuvarskogo too.

After operation accepted Danazol 5 months, but were not appreciable allocation, even after augmentation of a dose of a preparation. As after has explained the doctor it was-is necessary to apply Zoladeks. After, accepted Dexamethazonum, Bromocriptinum, levotiroksin, orgametril with 16 for 26 day and vit E.Byla on a health resort, on radon baths (from first month of application Danazola)

Now the doctor predlalaet 2 courses Zoladeksa or a repeated laparoscopy. What your opinion? Whether pregnancy with such stage of an endometriosis is possible or probable in general? Or there is an alternative treatment? What treatment is more effective?

Thankful in advance...

Yours faithfully Tatyana

10.01.2005, 22:21
At this forum... Who nibud answers questions???

20.03.2005, 01:38
Tatyana, be easier - vrachishki, you where???? I Wait, ???a-and-..

27.03.2005, 15:21
It is I style! I can is not clear have asked questions..., but has read through 20 predidushchih, therefore has set the ... In hope for the answer. I understand, that there can be not correct questions, but I have not found in such. If you are competent of it or this is I ask to respond, for me it is very important.

Yours faithfully


17.04.2005, 12:01
It is I style! I can is not clear have asked questions..., but has read through 20 predidushchih, therefore has set the ... In hope for the answer. I understand, that there can be not correct questions, but I have not found in such. If you are competent of it or this is I ask to respond, for me it is very important.

Yours faithfully



I - not the doctor.

Anybody from doctors will not give you the exact answer.

But I saw many women with the most different serious pathologies which became pregnant and gave birth or travailled to practically healthy kids. It is not necessary to despair and all will turn out.

To me, for example, when I laid in hospital 1 UD the President in Moscow, so much all was told by doctors and have written strashnyj-prestrashnyj the diagnosis on five lines of the printed text, the endometriosis and an adenomyosis there too were. Doctors and did not suppose an idea that I can become pregnant, planned to do or make the last autumn operation - to delete a myoma, to blow or insufflate pipes, to dissect any solderings, in the long term recommended Zoladeks and Buserelin, and then I shall not discuss correctness of treatment and methods.

At the moment I on 7 month of pregnancy, not all am simple, but I make all possible or probable efforts to bear or take out the healthy kid.

In occasion of your treatment I cannot give references, in view of absence of professional qualification.

IMHO - However, in any case it would be quite good to go to you to good sanatorium, to have a rest, relax. If there is an opportunity - to Czechia in Marianskie or Frantishkovy Lazni, I was there in the summer, very much it was pleasant to me.

17.04.2005, 13:25

I - not the doctor.

Anybody from doctors will not give you the exact answer.

But I saw many women with the most different serious pathologies which became pregnant and gave birth or travailled to practically healthy kids. It is not necessary to despair and all will turn out.

To me, for example, when I laid in hospital 1 UD the President in Moscow, so much all was told by doctors and have written strashnyj-prestrashnyj the diagnosis on five lines of the printed text, the endometriosis and an adenomyosis there too were. Doctors and did not suppose an idea that I can become pregnant, planned to do or make the last autumn operation - to delete a myoma, to blow or insufflate pipes, to dissect any solderings, in the long term recommended Zoladeks and Buserelin, and then I shall not discuss correctness of treatment and methods.

At the moment I on 7 month of pregnancy, not all am simple, but I make all possible or probable efforts to bear or take out the healthy kid.

In occasion of your treatment I cannot give references, in view of absence of professional qualification.

IMHO - However, in any case it would be quite good to go to you to good sanatorium, to have a rest, relax. If there is an opportunity - to Czechia in Marianskie or Frantishkovy Lazni, I was there in the summer, very much it was pleasant to me.


Thanks for support!

And my question by itself was resolved, not waiting references of doctors...

4 days ago has made the US, the new diagnosis: an adenomyosis 2 items Yesterday has made nyxis Diferelina, in a month I go on a repeated laparoscopy. I hope for a favorable outcome.

Still time, thanks
