Просмотр полной версии : Tests for pregnancy

15.04.2005, 13:22
Hello! At me, vobshchem, silly questions. Skazhte, please, when you do or make the test for pregnancy and the result is not present first 5-10 minutes (like as is absolutely absolutely slightly). But then, when the test has dried up, I have seen there a light grey second stria. The same history and with the second test made on a trace. Morning. The second strias it is really visible!! I still do not have delay (22 (from 25) day of a cycle). I understand, that it is necessary to wait. But as so can be with tests: on "wet" anything, on dry it is visible??

15.04.2005, 19:24
For exception of pregnancy it is necessary to hand over the analysis of a blood on a hormone beta-Ou? and to make US. House tests-only approximate reference point.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.