Просмотр полной версии : After a hysteroscopy

04.03.2005, 15:25
After unsuccessful EKO (in May) 11. has made a hysteroscopy have removed 2 polyps have appointed or nominated 2 cycles on Norcolutum, one cycle all was normal, in the second I went by the sea (to Egypt) and monthly should begin there on November, 20-21th, approximately for 50 day of a cycle, washing the doctor have registered Progesteronum of 5 days.... Have pierced... After that have begun monthly on December, 24th..., now again a delay and I weigh a cycle measured BT 36.6 (in the last cycle too most), earlier at me never was such problems with monthly up to EKO.

What to do or make that now, again Progesteronum?

I wanted in March again on EKO and here simply nightmare any...

And more in the evening after I shall have supper gurgle in a stomach or belly begins, an eructation, something is similar to hyperstimulation (at me she was) it can is connected with female problems? (or it is already my suspiciousness?)

10.04.2005, 04:02
Uv. Sima!

Unfortunately in absentia this problem to not solve.