Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say what to do or make

07.04.2005, 10:30

I here and at all do not know the first time to itself to address. I had a problem. Earlier at me never was failures in a cycle, the organism vseda worked as hours. But, at me a delay, 3 days. Did or made the test result negative. To the doctor I am afraid to go. Basically, being engaged in sex I and my partner always we are protected. However, recently the quantity or amount of sexual certificates or acts has increased. Whether it could affect or influence. Voobshchem, I do not know what to do or make. I wait for your Advice or Council.
Yours faithfully polina

07.04.2005, 15:21
Hello, polina.
No trouble is not present.
At the healthy woman are admissible 1-2 "sbojnyh" a cycle in a year. For example, as reaction to stress, change of a climate (very much often in the summer or at trips to tropical countries), therapy by medicinal preparations.
Therefore continue to observe of a cycle: if the menses will not come within 1-2 weeks, it is desirable to make US of organs of a small basin and to approach or suit on consultation to the gynecologist.
All good.
Kuhoreva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, -gynecologist TSIR