Просмотр полной версии : Planning of the child

Alexander With-i
06.04.2005, 21:43
What probability of presence of problems at desire to get or start children at the man and the woman, if its or his grandmother and its or her mother - native sisters?

07.04.2005, 15:16
The birth of children from closely related marriages or spoilage (though here it turns out not such and the closely related union) is undesirable by way of high risk of development of diseases with hereditary predisposition.
That is, inside of one family (set of relatives - native, cousin means, three times removed) a quantity of members of family can be carriers or bearers of genes of the raised or increased predisposition to those or other diseases (for example, a diabetes mellitis, an idiopathic hypertensia, a bronchial asthma and dr).
At the introduction into marriage or spoilage of parents, both from which are predisposed to this or that disease, the risk of a birth of the child at which this disease will be shown during lifetime of is very high.
Kuhoreva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, -gynecologist TSIR