Просмотр полной версии : Blood after sex

04.04.2005, 08:47
Hello! At me already second time after employment or occupation by sex appears a blood. First time was enough taki not enough blood, but the second big kol-in. I not the virgin. Prompt, pozhajlusta why so occurs or happens. In advance thanks.

04.04.2005, 16:14
Hello, Elena.
Krovjanistye allocation from sexual ways can be connected with a pathology shejki uteruses (erosion, a polyp of the cervical channel and dr) or vaginas.
Therefore first of all gynecologic survey is necessary. At presence of pathological changes on shejke uteruses the cytologic is necessary and kolposkopicheskoe research.
All good.
Kuhoreva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, -gynecologist TSIR