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04.12.2004, 07:05
Light - - ---Good afternoon, We with the husband live 5 years, 2 months ago have solved the child Is necessary. But the positive take for 2 months is not present. What will advise? Certainly I understand, that 2 months it not a parameter. I shall tell about us not much: 1 go always in time in 27,28 days. 2 2 months ago it was checked up on all infections. Before I hurted or was ill;was sick 2 years ago chlamydias, and the husband ureoplazmoj, after chlamydias, were garderely spring 2000 which gynecologists who that spoke, immune system bad another and here one doctor has advised to hand over something the analysis with provocation could not find out, have certainly found, since a plenty was leucocytes, month proechilas, has handed over analyses it's OK, a dyscomfort not oshushchaju. 3 did or made uzi it's OK. To me advise to define or determine this day it is necessary to start to take temperature. What will you advise? In advance thanks. Svetlana.

17.03.2005, 06:01
basic - - ---Live easy and do not think of sterility or barrenness, can pass or take place a course of a vitamin therapy.

30.03.2005, 17:51
k.m.n. Sidorov Evgenie Petrovich (Epsidorov@yandex.ru) - - ---Dear Light! There Is a functional sterility or barrenness when anatomically it's OK, and conceptions do not occur or happen, it can be connected with the various reasons, for example, villuses in uterine pipes, drive a liquid to other party or side or waves of a peristalsis in them too weak, a secret in shejke uteruses too viscous or viscid, etc. Often these reasons have reflexogenic character. In our laboratory experience of detection of active reflexogenic zones of various diseases is saved up or collected. To us women with functional sterility or barrenness which treatment led to restoration of a fecundity got also. If you lives in Moscow call to me on a pager 974-74-74 ab. 30-33-77.

02.04.2005, 05:23
Basic - - ---the Girl 2 months as has decided to become pregnant, and you offer her is treated. I advise more quickly to appoint or nominate treatment because can have time to become pregnant without you. And what criteria of sterility or barrenness in your clinic? Can eat something new?

02.04.2005, 10:23
Light - - ---Good afternoon all! New while anything is not present. Now daily I take temperature, now the middle of a cycle while rise of temperature up to 37 hailstones is not present. And from Moscow I absolutely far live. It is treated I am not going to yet since I feel perfectly. Here advice or council with vinaminami I shall try or taste. Only advise what are in your opinion most effective. Thanks all. Success. Soobshchju as something will be new. Light.

02.04.2005, 14:38
Basic - - ---Svetlana, write yours -mail and I shall paint to you a vitamin therapy on your menstrual cycle.

02.04.2005, 17:41
Light - - ---My *lt address; A HREF = and quot; mailto:rixa@mail.ru*quot; *gt; rixa@mail.ru*lt;/A*gt;. Thanks. Light.

02.04.2005, 19:16
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---a question to k.m.n. Sidorovu E.P.! You could not advise the references describing functional sterility or barrenness.

Yours faithfully

k.m.n. B.Kamenetsky (http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm)

The doctor the -gynecologist of the International Center of Genesial Medicine (http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb), St.-Petersburg.

E-mail: boris@bk3298.spb.edu

At the link to the information received on this site, primary consultation of patients is spent free of charge!

02.04.2005, 21:12
Basic snbasik@mail.ru (snbasik@mail.ru) - - ---Dear B.Kamenetsky, I think, that E.P.Sidorov does not hear us. I personally did not meet sources on functional sterility or barrenness, but I am precisely assured or confident, that MIRACLES ON LIGHT DO NOT HAPPEN, to all there is an explanation, but our level can and not in a status explains it today.

02.04.2005, 21:13
basic - - ---Light, you have received my report?

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light - - ---GOOD AFTERNOON! The situation is a little izvmenilas, not in the best party or side, I already earlier spoke, that I take in the mornings temperature, and here have passed or have taken place more half of month, and the temperature was 36,4 then 36,6, further 36,8, but up to 37 has not risen and here today has fallen up to 36,6. It about what nibud speaks? What is it means? Light. And the report I shall look or see now.

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light - - ---the Report has not received in mail there is nothing. Light.

02.04.2005, 21:14
Basic (snbasik@mail.ru) - - ---it is necessary for you on past izmrenija basal temperature to pass or take place research on hormonal zerkaloan. For 7,14,21,28 day of a menstrual cycle, as well as basal temperature in current 3 menstrual cycles. I to you otslal the answer.

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light - - ---GOOD AFTERNOON, on the letter has responded. Light.

02.04.2005, 21:14
basic - - ---I have already sent you the answer

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light - - ---the Answer, has received, I shall try or taste about a trace .tsikla 26 deck.. If something will be new I shall inform. Today for example baz.tem- was 36,9, yesterday 36,8 though on ideas should on ubavlenie go, and she on the contrary grows.. Light.

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light - - ---GOOD AFTERNOON, all! The situation for these days has changed. The temperature has risen up to 37,1, and then falls. Prompt. Read at you somewhere what information what to conduct a sexual life it is necessary in day. And somewhere in other place it is written every day. For that that is exact popat this day. How you will advise me? I so think that if every day, whether then these or it spermatazoidy So will not have time to ripen it? This month again nothing has turned out. I shall try or taste in following already with any vitamins. Thanks. Light.

02.04.2005, 21:14
basic - - ---Svetlana, you are too persistent in the ideas on impossibility to become pregnant. Live easy sexual life, give pleasure to itself and the sexual partner and do not think of sterility or barrenness. Live so often as your pair can and you quickly will become pregnant.

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light - - ---Good morning, at me has a little changed for this time. Already approximately 10 days temperature keep 37,0, a delay 4 days, and more any izmenija in a stomach or belly as-as if he is pulled together. Here and thinking now holidays New year, doctors do not work, can buy or purchase the test and try or taste. And how to be further? It is necessary to accept vitamins likely already. All taki I think my diligence not vainly likely all has come to pass, though it is not assured yet. Many thanks to you. Really I likely thought about bespodii much, therefore for 2 months at me nothing has turned out, but it two are treated for that that in district one thousand friends which on a year, three. Thanks all of you. Success in New 2001. And let will be all these sores less. Light.

02.04.2005, 21:14
Genrieta (Gerda@Moldovacc. MD) - - ---At us too the problem not as is impossible about one year But sex about 4 times a month can it very little for an object in view. Whether but earlier before wedding we were protected by condoms and simply interrupted certificate or act but not to time there was no misfire as at other girlfriends it is possible to do or make conclusions about sterility or barrenness? It would not be desirable to go to the doctor and vmeshivatsja to the nature that is called. What will advise?

02.04.2005, 21:14
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---it is possible to wait a little still B.Kamenetsky

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light - - ---Genrieta, go to the doctor where still vremenit!!!! You write that is impossible to you a year!!!! Look or see I when wrote at me 2 months it was impossible. Both I and that zaperezhivala. And you .kak you yourself feel year, I would descend or go from mind or wit for a year. Light.

02.04.2005, 21:14
Inna - - ---Light! Respond please it has turned out at you or not?

02.04.2005, 21:14
Alexander (- - - ---2 years ago to me then was 19 years to me udalii a hysteromyoma in the size c a head of the baby after that extorted some times serozetsele, and also there was a bartholinitis, the laser treated erosion and now suspicions on a cancer shejki uteruses. Whether there is a probability of what I now can become pregnant, and how much or as far as she is great? And also what complications can be?

02.04.2005, 21:14
Light (- - - ---All of whom interests, it has turned out still before I wished to accept -therapy, i.e. is pregnant!!!!. I am simple before not enough information on conception. And has then studied or investigated much, there was I did or made many mistakes or errors. Here so I wish all of good luck. Light..