Просмотр полной версии : Problem with endometriem

Oksana P
23.03.2005, 05:34
To me of 30 years. 5 years am treated for sterility or barrenness. Very much it would be desirable to become pregnant and give birth to the healthy child. In 2001 the hysterosalpingography - did or made suspicion on an adenomyosis, pipes are passed or taken place;passable. After that inspections there was an inflammation. In 2002 on a laparoscopy have diagnosed: the endometriosis of 1-2 degrees, an adenomyosis, pipes are passed or taken place;passable, a metroendometritis. Semi-annual treatment Danazolom has been appointed or nominated. In May, 2003, there was a stood pregnancy. After a currettage has passed or has taken place protivospalitelnoe treatment and 4 months it was protected, and all rest of the time again tried to become pregnant. At the husband spermogramma good, therefore the doctor finds the reason of failures in me. In a hormonal background that's all right, cycles with an ovulation (on BT and to a folliculogenesis). However, on US endometry thin. Very much often I do or make a folliculogenesis and always the biggest M-echo endometrija 6.5 mm.
During last two cycles have appointed or nominated under the control of a folliculogenesis with 5 for 14 day of a cycle Microfollinum on 1 tablet to increase endometry, since he very thin. And during these cycles one picture on US:
Endometry, at the moment of an ovulation (13 day of a cycle), corresponded or met to an average proliferative phase (-=7,2 mm). After an ovulation (15 day of a cycle) thickness endometrija has decreased and became high polotnosti (the M-echo to be put 4 mm). For 20 day of a cycle of M-echo there were 7,7 mm.
Prompt, please, why right after ovulations endometry to become very dense and thin? How it is possible to make so that endometry corresponded or met to a phase of a cycle?

27.03.2005, 09:40
Probably, stimulation of an ovulation was insufficient. Use of a complex of preparations with augmentation of doses during 3 cycles is necessary. It is desirable, also genetic inspection (a karyotype of pair, compatibility on HLA c), inspection on an infection (a smear method PTSR, the analysis of a blood, urine on a viruria), Histological research endometrija.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.