Просмотр полной версии : Clinic MA-mA

21.09.2004, 10:01
Anna - - ---Hello, it would be desirable to learn or find out, whether somebody addressed in clinic MA-mA in Moscow. It from a site MA-?a.OO. It would be desirable to learn or find out opinion on her those who already there has visited. Thanks. Anna

15.11.2004, 00:35
Katya - - ---Clinic is is loudly told or said. Any gynecology department of usual hospital will be the winner. Only general impressions. raspologajutsja they on surburb of Moscow, and still it is necessary to reach by the bus nearby 20 minutes. Are in territory medsanchasti, borrow or occupy half one floors. People there has not enough... And attention I have not felt Goodwill. You understand, Anna, is not present such sensation, that before you the doctor and that he wishes to help or assist you. Also there was no impression, what is it gynecologic clinic, to me even hardly to present, that there in general can do or make any operations. But not in it or this a short, and that there have diagnosed me an oothecoma, and not any follicular, and that which it is necessary to operate, have told or said, that all is very bad, have made US, analyses any did not take, but have appointed or nominated them to make after a while, for all this have taken much few 900 roubles, and have let know, that without any guarantees, i.e. If to me will be worse, that I not called to them, and in fast. I shall notice, that me looked their head physician, Victoria Viktorovna Zaeva. I there have received many negative emotions and only. After that I at once have gone to do or make US to other doctor. I.e. in an hour with small I already was on reception. Uzi has not shown a cyst which to me so it is good prodiagnostirovali vklinike MA-mA. But have found out a polyp endometrija which I have safely cured homeopathic by. I certainly not the expert, but all the same seem to me, that a cyst and a polyp a little bit different things, US and is created to distinguish or recognize similar. I too have thought, what site! Likely and the clinic is not worse. As I was mistaken, to my regret. As you understand, more I there did not appear. For reception of the information for itself, it is possible to visit or attend only their site, at least with the theory at all of them it is normal. Speaking in other words, I do not recommend!!! It all the same not reception at the therapist. And on money plant not bad.

02.01.2005, 05:57
Anna - - ---Katya, many thanks for the information. I already was was going to there to go. The truth collided or faced with such things as you write already in other places. But what to do or make, it is necessary to search for something or for something else. Once again, big to you thanks for the prevention or warning. Anna.

01.02.2005, 13:19
Light - - ---Katya, tell or say and at what homeopathist you were treated? Recommend, pozhsta.

23.02.2005, 06:53
Irina (gloop@mail.ru) - - ---At me also was unsuccessful attempt EKO in this clinic MA-MA. About the attitude or relation I can tell or say nothing, voobshchem, without special sympathy. Explain nothing, hurry up, too any cash registers and if you pay in dollars establish or install very low course. On one armchair spend both survey, and US, both a puncture folikulov, and transplantation, only get or start from different doors what for. But it is a lot of patients! I have personally met pairs or steams from Tyumen, Krasnoyarsk, Ukhta, not speaking about muscovites. Almost all have pecked on a good site. Be careful! I have believed, that it is possible for 700 $ to try or taste EKO.A this scheme or plan it has appeared simply stimulation estesstvennogo a cycle klostilbegitom, without agonists genodotropinov. Inquiries responded To all evasively, have not prompted, that at my age other scheme or plan is necessary absolutely. Now I feel badly. I do not know where now to address, if someone will prompt - I shall be very grateful!

24.03.2005, 07:06
(vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---And my patients manage even to fly V.Dvorjanchikov with a condom. The world is surprisingly arranged!

25.03.2005, 00:01
Irinka (- - - ---At me too very negative response about this clinic and especially about doctor Suhachevoj Tatyana Sergeevne. First she has mixed my analyses, having told or said to me, that result of the test for compatibility positive therefore I two months without ceremony so excruciated the organism stimulation klostilbegitom, and was then found out, that this test from me actually sharply negative what she even then and has not admitted though it is direct in the listing with results was is precisely written embriologom: result of the test or dough negative. Here, the word of honour, only for one such mistake or error it is necessary to deprive with the right to treat people!!! So is not present, continues to powder to people brains. And it is valid due to a site they to itself of clients and type or collect. So too very much I do not advise someone to go to clinic MA-mA. It is possible to read their theory only:

26.03.2005, 02:38
Katya (- - - ---Already for a long time was not on this page. The answer Light. I very precisely followed advice or councils of doctor Dvorjanchikova. It from the given site. I live in Moscow, unfortunately... I could not find a competent homeopathist in Moscow, only Dvorjanchikov could help or assist me, and for very short term. For example, I speak at job, at me a chronic pharyngitis much, there are exacerbations some times in a year, and so, the homeopathist Moscow has advised me sugar candies with a sage. I no trouble would not guess... By the way, concerning a homeopathy, in Moscow it is not so good with doctors, but it is good with preparations. For example, what are let out or released so all with a known Drugstore on Suharevskoj, still she is called officially the Doctor-?, lets out or releases high quality complex preparations. As if to the clinic MA-mA, see my previous statement, my opinion has not changed.

26.03.2005, 04:06
Ellina (sh_ellina@rambler.ru) - - ---the Dear doctor of Century Dvorjanchikov! Excuse for so vast letter! Now I am deprived an opportunity to address to the doctor as we have just moved to Canada, and the medical insurance will start to operate or work only in 3 months. Besides on edinoglassnomu to opinion of local Russian here very optimistically adjusted or set up medicine that is if you do not die all will be normal, and anything to do or make it is not necessary. For an example, an appendicitis here treat not surgically, and antibiotics within several years when the patient is excruciated periodically with exacerbations, and then when on a background of antibiotics there are new sores, all the same cut. The most ridiculous that I very strongly hoped for Canada by way of health... And consequently has lost some months before departure, not addressing to doctors in Russia. To me of 27 years. Pregnancy was one - in the age of 17 years abortion. After that there was a small erosion shejki which have quickly cured any cauterizations and nyxes of an aloe. Subsequently in some years after that one professor at survey has told or said, that at me very small uterus, and that I hardly can become pregnant, so it is possible to not be protected at all. As I was on reception simultaneously with the girlfriend I have not told or said about abortion. In 1994 by nonsense contraception on half a year has made an injection of Depot-probelief, and can, and two, - I do not remember. But the cycle was restored. In 1993 it was surveyed on ZPP, have found out a bacterial vaginosis, chlamydias. Unfortunately, I have not saved those analyses. I remember, that treatment consisted of Pyrogenalum, doksatsiklina and more something. A control smear in 2 weeks - negative. In 1998 the urethra, shejka was again surveyed: 1 10 ed.v to-those or -that 2 up to 10 ed.v to-those or -that 3 up to 5 ed.v to-those or -that. Then to external attributes at me have found out genital.gerpes. Treatment: dekaris 2 days on 1 tab., Pyrogenalum of 13 injections has finished up to 100 mkg, rulid on 150 mg 2. day of 10 days, atsiklovir 0,45. day of 6 days. In May, 2000 has made very detailed analyses: a urethra, :, VPG, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, a toxoplasmosis a blood - it is not revealed. shejka, a urethra, a vagina, rektum - gardner., gonokokki, kandidy, Trichomonases - it is not revealed. Leucocytes: shejka - a unit, a urethra - 1-5, a vagina - 2-15, rektum - a unit Slime - the vagina, in shejke, a urethra, rektum - is not present. A microflora - shejka - obn.pal., a urethra - has fallen., a vagina - obn.pal., drozh.kletki, rektum - smesh. Epit.kol. - shejka, a urethra - nezn.kol., a vagina - bol.kol., rektum - 1-10. Then I have addressed in Moscow City protivogerpetichesky the Center where me have directed on crop in Pasteur, there to me have made diagnostic allocation of chlamydias in culture of cells. From the cervical channel, from a urethra of a chlamydia are not found out July 2000. In the center then I have handed over some analyses: on flora and gardnerelez: the Epithelium: shejki, mocheisp.kan., vaginas - it is moderated or moderate., leucocytes: shejki - 10-15 in p/?O., moch.kan. - 0-1 in p/?O., vlag. - 4-6 in p/?O. A microflora: polimorfn., has fallen., coccuses; yeast cells. Trichomonases, gonokokki, gardnerelly are absent. Then I have handed over a blood on VPG and TSMV: VPG: IgM obshch. A credit 1:100, an index of activity 1,7; IgG obshch. A credit 1:1600, an index of activity 14,3. TSMV: IgM a credit 1:50, an index of activity 0,5; IgG a credit 1:800, an index of activity 10,0. The conclusion: antibodies are revealed: IgM to VPG on the average a credit, IgG to VPG on the average a credit, IgG to TSMV in a credit below an average, antibodies IgM to TSMV are not found out. It was treated gerpeticheskim by an immunoglobulin, suppositories with viferonom, alpizarinom. At once upon termination of treatment - an exacerbation gen.gerpesa. Since August 2000 has done 5 gerpeticheskih vaccines of 0,2 intradermally 1 times in 2 weeks. Against TSMV did not do or make anything though the following very illegibly has been registered: YOKES TSMV 3,0 2. 1 r.v 3-4 days N5, 2 amp - 6, 9 months we take-. Not clearly. But an opportunity to ask again was not, since the doctor very much hurried up. Now after crossing or moving to Canada there were no herpes 2 months, and penultimate were on the face so there can be an improvement? But here now again genital. But exacerbations pass or take place much easier and more quickly. Since 1993 I suffer a fibrocystic mastopathy, is enough the big site, did or made a puncture, have told or said to drink vitamins and periodically to be surveyed, and also necessarily to give birth more quickly. But for this purpose it is necessary to become pregnant even! Has started to take basal temperature. By your advice or council I shall measure differentsirovanno. For today the cycle yet has not ended there is a following picture: 1 phase of a cycle - 36,6 - 36,8; about 14 days 36,7; 36,9; 37,0; 37,1; 37,1; 37,0; 36,9; 37,1; 37,2 - today 22 day. The cycle usually makes 26-27 days, regular. Monthly usually painless, but happen very morbid 1 day. The husband handed over simultaneously with me all analyses, all is negative except for a blood on antibodies TSMV and VPG, but at it or him exacerbations practically do not happen, short of cold on the face less often than 1 time a year. It is or are not protected in more year. I understand, that in absentia it is very difficult to give any references. But can, I can something do or make still independently. I shall be in Russia every year for 2 weeks. Thanks!

26.03.2005, 04:08
For teh-whom till now interests: I too was in this clinic. It was 2002 in November. Attempt EKO is not has gone right. Then I have gone to be treated in institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The doctor it has been surprised by that to me did not do or make the analysis progisterona, etc. the important analyses. And as to me not ponjatno-why before to me have not adjusted a cycle before this expensive procedure. The reason of failure was basically because of sharp falling progisterona-a hormone supporting or maintaining pregnancy. But I can tell or say, that obrashchals with me there it is very polite and vrimatelno and patients at them now though otbvljaj.