Просмотр полной версии : Progesteronum of mother - complications at the daughter (?)

07.11.2004, 00:49
Dear doctors!

During pregnancy the first daughter, 18 years ago, I laid *quot; on ?OOa?N???*quot; and to all of us every day within a month pricked Progesteronum (I do not know precisely as the preparation was called, to us it or him named so). Pregnancy to me have saved, the truth, I it or her all the same did not inform, has given birth prematurely, 26 weeks, a daughter. She has now grown, high, clever, beautiful, talented.

But recently I have heard a phrase from the doctor: *quot; Here, then saved, Progesteronum pricked, now these girls have grown, now have gone or send ??Nn?Oo?n*quot;. What did she mean? Any hormonal frustration at these girls or complexities with pregnancy? Perhaps, somebody can explain? *quot; preduprezhden, means oOO?N?*quot;.:)


Aleksey P.
05.12.2004, 18:07
For today it is proved, that some analogues of Progesteronum possessing weak androgenic activity, are capable to cause or call occurrence *quot; ?O???O*quot; attributes at fetuses of a female. Therefore at a menacing abortion have ceased to apply preparations of type of Turinalum. However neither natural Progesteronum, nor its or his analogues used for today (djufaston, utrozhestan), do not possess androgenic activity.

As to *quot; ??Nn?Oo?*quot;, frequency of hormonal disturbances and sterilities or barrennesses at women steadily grows, but I do not think, what is it directly is connected with application of Progesteronum.

The wife
03.03.2005, 20:35
Dear Anna! Thanks for an explanation. At my daughter a little bit raised or increased *quot; o??N??N*quot;, though in the rest, like, that's all right. Now the possible or probable reason is clear. And you casually do not know, which Progesteronum applied 18 years ago (it were daily nyxes, on one in day)?

04.03.2005, 18:31
I think, it was usual *quot; ?aOOOa?y?U*quot; Progesteronum (most likely, oksiprogesterona kapronat).

larisa +
16.03.2005, 21:07
Dear VT! The Reality *quot; raised or increased o??N??n*quot; at your daughter in general and its or his developments as consequences or investigations of reception once during pregnancy of Progesteronum more than it is doubtful.

First of all, a superfluous pilosis at a narrow-minded level-one, and on medical-absolutely another One of the first beauties of the world, Lina Kavaleri, had obvious short moustaches.

The driver in Kiev, carried me on congress endlokrinologov, and asked me that such endocrinology. Did not run nearly into a tree .uznav, that we *quot; i i, in i vusa rostut *quot; .ego the indignant cry - *quot; Navishcho (what for)!!! TSe najkrashchi i!! *quot; - I recollect each time when I examine the woman with konstitutsionalno the caused superfluous body height of hair.

Anna's answer meant more likely an opportunity of some augmentation of a clitoris at the moment of a birth, than the delayed influence on body height of hair

17.03.2005, 18:19
Sincere thanks, Galina Afanasevna, for exhaustive explanation. Cosmetic problems at us, in general, are not present, there is only easy or light;mild bewilderment.:) it is far not the main thing. And here possible or probable *quot; ?N???N*quot; the problems of the daughter connected with its or her birth, excite me. I think, it I am natural, as to me both of mine the child cost enough *quot; nOu*quot;. In this connection one more question (I ask to excuse if it not to you). Whether that fact can negatively be reflected in the future beremennostjah daughters and health of its or her future children, what she was born deeply not full-term (weight at a birth - 900? Probably, there are such observations? Or this all - nonsense?

Yours faithfully, V.T.

17.03.2005, 19:37
If at your daughter in time have begun a menses, and the regular menstrual cycle any influence on current beremennostej and the more so health of the future children to be afraid was established or installed does not follow.

17.03.2005, 22:37
Thanks, you have calmed me.