Просмотр полной версии : Hyperplasia endometrija

03.03.2005, 02:42
To me 51 year. ZHelezisto a cystic hyperplasia endometrija, treatment "Norcolutum" once a day a cycle is appointed or nominated, 4-6 months are continuous. It means daily without interruption in current of 4-6 months? Whether will be monthly? What Norcolutum or buserelin is better for treatment? From Norcolutum grow stout, very much?

06.03.2005, 11:02
Norcolutum renders gestagennoe action (gestageny prevail in a blood in the second phase of a cycle and provide maturing endometrija before offensive or approach of pregnancy or a menses).
The preparation does not switch off hormonal activity of ovaries. On the contrary, he helps or assists them to cope with a problem of a failure of Progesteronum in the second phase of a cycle and to avoid such problems, as a hyperplasia endometrija.
Menstrual cycles are saved on a background of its or his reception.
There are different schemes or plans of reception of a preparation. One of them - with 5-th for 25 day of a cycle. I recommend to specify at the doctor who to you has appointed or nominated a preparation, which scheme or plan of reception he had in view of.
Buserelin - more "serious" preparation. He switches off own activity of ovaries, causing " an artificial menopause ". Has many by-effects - inflow, bad mood, rising of arterial pressure, disturbance of a fatty exchange, etc.
The choice of a preparation is based on many specific features the patient and its or her concrete clinical situation.
Vseho good.
Kuhoreva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, -gynecologist TSIR.