Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is necessary to delete Naval Forces

21.02.2005, 10:07
Hello. At me to you such question: In August, 2001 have established or installed Naval Forces - contraindications were not any. And here in the beginning of this month during routine inspection, vkljuchajushego in itself and US (on 7 j day of a cycle), have found out augmentation of the right ovary (41* 25), contours equal, p. is homogeneous. Left - 37* 26. The conclusion of the doctor: a cystic degeneration of the right ovary. And also US a pier. zhel.: a diffusive or diffuse fibrosing adenosis or fibroadenomatosis. It is appointed or nominated mastodinon which I and accept. The doctor also insists on excision of Naval Forces (in connection with augmentation of an ovary). I would like to learn or find out from you how much or as far as it it is necessary and that m.. If to not delete Naval Forces? In advance I thank.

21.02.2005, 19:26
The augmentation of an ovary is not connected with Naval Forces. I do not see an occasion for its or her excision.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.