Просмотр полной версии : Hypothyrosis and pregnancy

07.10.2004, 00:08

On a background of a hypothyrosis, AIT (with podrostokovogo age) there was a conception. Now a duration of gestation of 15 weeks. Results of analyses the following:

4 - 16,1 (norm or rate 10-23)

TG - 0 (norm or rate 0-40)

at-O - 0,2 (norm or rate 0 - 1)

TTG - 21,27 (norm or rate 0,2-2,9)

On US - the sizes of a gland in norm or rate, ehograficheskie attributes AIT.

With 12- years TTG below 15 did not fall, L-thyroxine since same time on 100 in day. Now a dose have increased up to 150 in day.

Question such: what it is possible to spend still inspections what it is possible to tell or say in general about such situation, whether I have in view of probably to bear or take out the healthy child?


14.02.2005, 19:44

At reception of a thyroxine of 150 mkg (and 100) hardly you will have a deficiency of thyroid hormones. And a riddle about TTG and insusceptibility of receptors of a pituitary body to 4 set at forum TiroNet.