Просмотр полной версии : Fibromyoma and planning of pregnancy

01.02.2005, 15:34
Please, help or assist, so your advice or council is necessary to me. My name is Lyudmila, me of 28 years. Two years ago I have become pregnant (the first pregnancy), thus have found out a fibromyoma of a uterus - one site, by 18 their weeks was already three. Threatened cesarean, but I have given birth itself, labors have passed or have taken place successfully. Through 6 mes after sorts or labors on survey at the gynecologist one doctor did not diagnose a fibromyoma, another has told or said, that there is very small nodule. In 6 months (for today) the doctor has defined or determined a fibromyoma of 9 weeks, US has shown 1 subserous 80*80 site and two intramuralnyh the site - 10 weeks, ovaries in norm or rate. Till now (a year) I nurse the child, and the gynecologist has advised to take away the child from a breast. I dream also the second child though the doctor speaks, that the second labors will be (if will be in general) cesarean with excision of a uterus. I simply do not know, that to me to do or make... Respond, I ask you, on my questions: 1) whether feeding by a breast affects body height of a fibromyoma as well as with what its or her so fast body height can be connected? 2) whether the second pregnancy and normal vynashivanie the child is possible or probable in general for me? 3) as the growing fibromyoma can affect or have an effect on health of the future child and whether there will be second labors premature? 4) whether the hysterectomy is obligatory? 5) whether it is possible to become pregnant right after otnjatija the child from a breast or it is necessary to be treated kaltovalom (purpose or appointment of the doctor) or something or something else, and what bydut in this case chances of normal pregnancy? With the big hope I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply...