Просмотр полной версии : samochustvie strange

21.01.2005, 11:21
Hello. My young man complained of an itch in a urethra and on white allocation. It was unpleasant to him to go to a toilet. At me no displays existing. Have gone or send to the doctor, have handed over analyses on the basic infections. Result negative only have told or said, that at us with it or him it is a lot of leucocytes. The doctor has appointed or nominated Zanotsin 2 times a day on 1 tablet, Nistatinum and Metronidazolum 4 times a day on one tabletke-to accept 5 days. After 5 days on the sixth at me the thrush has begun. My friend accepts tablets 4-th day and speaks, that to him it is better, but up to the extremity or end so anything and has not passed or has not taken place (till now there is an itch and allocation - though and less). And yesterday at it or him the testicle (it rigid and hurts) has inflamed. I feel myself tired. To me all time to sleep it would be desirable, any infection? Why has suddenly begun a thrush if I, on the contrary, accepted there are no forces. What with us? It because of antibiotics? Or it nevertheless tablets which and from a thrush including?

21.01.2005, 13:30
The thrush often becomes aggravated after reception of antibiotics. You accepted antibiotics from an inflammation, and the thrush is a fungic or fungal complication, as a dysbacteriosis. Now it is necessary to cure simply it or her and all. It is necessary to the young man urgently to the doctor and to be treated more thoroughly - at it or him serious complication!