06.10.2004, 06:00
The doctor, please, consult, sorientirujte!
Conclusion : with the tendency to subseroidnomu to body height a hysteromyoma 6-7 (303228 site) .kontury precise, structure or frame gipoehogennaja, honeycomb. On a back wall of a uterus the group endometrioznogo the includings or incorporations, tending to education of the site, a deforming cavity with depth of a lesion up to a serous environment is defined or determined. The left ovary (272331) liquid includings or incorporations (D151338) with presence melkodispersnoj suspensions are defined or determined. Rubtsrvaja deformation shejki uteruses.
d-? a myoma in a combination to an adenomyosis.
There is a US of 7-years prescription. The sizes of a uterus of 7-8 weeks, the sizes of the myomatous site the same. The endometriosis was, but not such depth of a lesion. 7 years ago has been appointed or nominated Marvelon owing to a constant bleeding. I drink to this day, chuvstuju myself it is perfect.
The surgeon-gynecologist it was offered to me to remove a uterus and the left ovary, to leave shejku and the right ovary. To me 40. My questions here in what:
1. Of sorts or labors to think it is not necessary, whether but as as early as years 10 up to a climacterium I can (and where and to itself to address, where it do or make?) to save a uterus operation EMA (embolization of uterine arteries), the left ovary with coagulation or excision of a cyst (as preoperative preparation, for example therapy agrg + and quot; C?nOOO*quot;) with the subsequent lifelong control of a hormonal background. For example *quot; a?oa?O??*quot; or *quot; iNO?????*quot;.
2. If it or this to make that is impossible, having left shejku and one ovary, whether means
It, that the artery going from a body of the womb to ovaries, will be saved (accordingly, the life of ovaries will be prolonged). Or, ostavlenie shejki does not speak that the artery will be saved.
For God's sake, help or assist to understand what to do or make and to itself to address, in fact it is necessary urgently!
Yours faithfully onv
Conclusion : with the tendency to subseroidnomu to body height a hysteromyoma 6-7 (303228 site) .kontury precise, structure or frame gipoehogennaja, honeycomb. On a back wall of a uterus the group endometrioznogo the includings or incorporations, tending to education of the site, a deforming cavity with depth of a lesion up to a serous environment is defined or determined. The left ovary (272331) liquid includings or incorporations (D151338) with presence melkodispersnoj suspensions are defined or determined. Rubtsrvaja deformation shejki uteruses.
d-? a myoma in a combination to an adenomyosis.
There is a US of 7-years prescription. The sizes of a uterus of 7-8 weeks, the sizes of the myomatous site the same. The endometriosis was, but not such depth of a lesion. 7 years ago has been appointed or nominated Marvelon owing to a constant bleeding. I drink to this day, chuvstuju myself it is perfect.
The surgeon-gynecologist it was offered to me to remove a uterus and the left ovary, to leave shejku and the right ovary. To me 40. My questions here in what:
1. Of sorts or labors to think it is not necessary, whether but as as early as years 10 up to a climacterium I can (and where and to itself to address, where it do or make?) to save a uterus operation EMA (embolization of uterine arteries), the left ovary with coagulation or excision of a cyst (as preoperative preparation, for example therapy agrg + and quot; C?nOOO*quot;) with the subsequent lifelong control of a hormonal background. For example *quot; a?oa?O??*quot; or *quot; iNO?????*quot;.
2. If it or this to make that is impossible, having left shejku and one ovary, whether means
It, that the artery going from a body of the womb to ovaries, will be saved (accordingly, the life of ovaries will be prolonged). Or, ostavlenie shejki does not speak that the artery will be saved.
For God's sake, help or assist to understand what to do or make and to itself to address, in fact it is necessary urgently!
Yours faithfully onv