Просмотр полной версии : Excision of a uterus

06.10.2004, 06:00
The doctor, please, consult, sorientirujte!

Conclusion : with the tendency to subseroidnomu to body height a hysteromyoma 6-7 (303228 site) .kontury precise, structure or frame gipoehogennaja, honeycomb. On a back wall of a uterus the group endometrioznogo the includings or incorporations, tending to education of the site, a deforming cavity with depth of a lesion up to a serous environment is defined or determined. The left ovary (272331) liquid includings or incorporations (D151338) with presence melkodispersnoj suspensions are defined or determined. Rubtsrvaja deformation shejki uteruses.

d-? a myoma in a combination to an adenomyosis.

There is a US of 7-years prescription. The sizes of a uterus of 7-8 weeks, the sizes of the myomatous site the same. The endometriosis was, but not such depth of a lesion. 7 years ago has been appointed or nominated Marvelon owing to a constant bleeding. I drink to this day, chuvstuju myself it is perfect.

The surgeon-gynecologist it was offered to me to remove a uterus and the left ovary, to leave shejku and the right ovary. To me 40. My questions here in what:

1. Of sorts or labors to think it is not necessary, whether but as as early as years 10 up to a climacterium I can (and where and to itself to address, where it do or make?) to save a uterus operation EMA (embolization of uterine arteries), the left ovary with coagulation or excision of a cyst (as preoperative preparation, for example therapy agrg + and quot; C?nOOO*quot;) with the subsequent lifelong control of a hormonal background. For example *quot; a?oa?O??*quot; or *quot; iNO?????*quot;.

2. If it or this to make that is impossible, having left shejku and one ovary, whether means

It, that the artery going from a body of the womb to ovaries, will be saved (accordingly, the life of ovaries will be prolonged). Or, ostavlenie shejki does not speak that the artery will be saved.

For God's sake, help or assist to understand what to do or make and to itself to address, in fact it is necessary urgently!

Yours faithfully onv

09.12.2004, 19:54
Dear Onv,

At presence of a myoma of the small sizes, as at you and what absence or clinical signs - bleedings, pains, etc. it is completely not obligatory to resort to operative treatment. Endometrioidnyj the site which too does not disturb you, too to delete completely not necessarily. From zaklychenija the previous US follows, that body height of a myoma practically it is not observed. Carrying out EMA at such small sizes of a myoma too not seems to me expedient.

If you all the same are solved on operation after excision of a uterus the remained ovary loses toleo a part of blood supply and as a rule functions normally up to a natural menopause.

The doctor, please, consult, sorientirujte!

Conclusion : with the tendency to subseroidnomu to body height a hysteromyoma 6-7 (303228 site) .kontury precise, structure or frame gipoehogennaja, honeycomb. On a back wall of a uterus the group endometrioznogo the includings or incorporations, tending to education of the site, a deforming cavity with depth of a lesion up to a serous environment is defined or determined. The left ovary (272331) liquid includings or incorporations (D151338) with presence melkodispersnoj suspensions are defined or determined. Rubtsrvaja deformation shejki uteruses.

d-? a myoma in a combination to an adenomyosis.

There is a US of 7-years prescription. The sizes of a uterus of 7-8 weeks, the sizes of the myomatous site the same. The endometriosis was, but not such depth of a lesion. 7 years ago has been appointed or nominated Marvelon owing to a constant bleeding. I drink to this day, chuvstuju myself it is perfect.

The surgeon-gynecologist it was offered to me to remove a uterus and the left ovary, to leave shejku and the right ovary. To me 40. My questions here in what:

1. Of sorts or labors to think it is not necessary, whether but as as early as years 10 up to a climacterium I can (and where and to itself to address, where it do or make?) to save a uterus operation EMA (embolization of uterine arteries), the left ovary with coagulation or excision of a cyst (as preoperative preparation, for example therapy agrg + and quot; C?nOOO*quot;) with the subsequent lifelong control of a hormonal background. For example *quot; a?oa?O??*quot; or *quot; iNO?????*quot;.

2. If it or this to make that is impossible, having left shejku and one ovary, whether means

It, that the artery going from a body of the womb to ovaries, will be saved (accordingly, the life of ovaries will be prolonged). Or, ostavlenie shejki does not speak that the artery will be saved.

For God's sake, help or assist to understand what to do or make and to itself to address, in fact it is necessary urgently!

Yours faithfully onv

Elena Sergeevna
24.12.2004, 23:00
If it is possible, specify, including or incorporation in the left ovary really

D = 151338 or all the same D15138? At sizes D15138 worries it is not necessary.

29.12.2004, 15:51
Dear ElenaT! Thanks you for the answer. Elena if I have correctly understood you, whether will leave shejku, whether will remove matku-one of the arteries feeding ovaries, will leave all the same.

I am am confused nevertheless with that a background of a spent hormonetherapy the endometriosis progresses. Now a menses longer and plentiful. I am afraid to miss time (the cavity of the uterus is already deformed by this site) .nu how much remain, well the maximum half a year, a tissue of a mucous uterus will regenerate, the uterus will cease to be reduced and the bleeding will be neostanovimo even on hormones. Further only excision. As this education is formed in the site, whether it is impossible to apply on it or him EMA? Or partially to remove a uterus with it or this endometrioznym the site?

And including or incorporation on an ovary really D15138. Really it or him it is not necessary koagulirovat?

Thanks, onv

01.01.2005, 05:56
Let's go to the order.

1. In occasion of an oothecoma is very small, most likely a functional cyst connected with a periodic ovulation. In itself this cyst is not the indication to operation but if you decide to be operated, tdo it will be possible to examine it or her at operation and to solve, whether it is necessary to delete it or her.

2. If you are disturbed with a plentiful menses, pains, and can also the anemia is available, then operation is shown. Besides all depends on that, signs are how much intensive. It to you to solve. At excision of a uterus the uterine artery which krovosnabzhaet an ovary, but jaichnikovaja the artery continues to function ties or dresses. In most cases the ovary continues to function normally normally up to a natural menopause.

3. It is possible to remove certainly a uterus vulval or vaginal access or laparoskopicheski if your doctor owns these methods. Convalescence passes or takes place more quickly.

I would not recommend EMA.