Просмотр полной версии : As pimafutsin can affect or influence a fetus

23.11.2004, 14:52
At me such question.. I periodically have a thrush, the doctor has appointed or nominated pimafutsin-suppositories, always helps or assists. One of these days there was a boring, I have used pimafutsinom. Yesterday was 3 j day of treatment - there was the appreciable improvement, any itch, any borings - and we with the husband had a sexual certificate or act. Without contraception! To instructions Pimafutsina it is written, that a sexual life it is possible to live, but it is necessary will be protected. If I have become pregnant, whether can Pimafutsin negatively affect or influence health of a fetus? (before the sexual certificate or act last time used suppositories exactly for a day..)

23.11.2004, 23:33
pimafutsin it is resolved at pregnancy